فراشة الأحلام
   شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. 3651769270

انه لشرف كبير تكرمكم وزيارتكم
لنا نتمنى ان نكون عند حسن رضائكم وان شاء الله ستجدون كل ما تصبوا له نفسكم وتتمناه
وهاهي ايدينا نمدها لكم وندعوكم للانضمام الينا لتصبحوا من افرد اسرتنا المتواضعه وتنيرونا بي مواضيعكم وردودكم النيره بكم نفيد ومنكم نستفيد
هنا في فراشة الآحلام نلتقي و الى الافق نرتقي
فراشة الأحلام
   شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. 3651769270

انه لشرف كبير تكرمكم وزيارتكم
لنا نتمنى ان نكون عند حسن رضائكم وان شاء الله ستجدون كل ما تصبوا له نفسكم وتتمناه
وهاهي ايدينا نمدها لكم وندعوكم للانضمام الينا لتصبحوا من افرد اسرتنا المتواضعه وتنيرونا بي مواضيعكم وردودكم النيره بكم نفيد ومنكم نستفيد
هنا في فراشة الآحلام نلتقي و الى الافق نرتقي
فراشة الأحلام
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
دموع الآميره عهد
نجوم المنتدى
نجوم المنتدى
دموع الآميره عهد

عدد المساهمات : 340
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/08/1972
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2014
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : أميرة مملكة الآحلام
المزاج حزين

   شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..      شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. 21623810السبت 16 مايو - 0:56

Unit 11: The Count of Monte Cristo

Tape Script

Presenter: Welcome to The Book Programme. Today, we're going to find out something about Alexandre Dumas. Dumas was one of France's most famous writers of adventure stories, including The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo. To tell us more, today's studio guest is John Holder, a lecturer in French literature at the City University. John, could you start by telling us something about Dumas's early life?
Holder : Hello. Well, let's start at the beginning Dumas was born near Paris in 1802. His father was an important man in the French army, but as a young soldier he had suffered from imprisonment and he died when Alexandre was only four years old.
Presenter: So, was he brought up by his mother?
Holder : That's right. After his father had died, he didn't send Alexandre to school .so she kept him at home. This meant that the young Alexandre had a lonely childhood.
Presenter: How did he start to write?
Holder : Well, by the time Alexandre was twenty, his mother had spent all her money and he went to live in Paris. He found work as a secretary to someone who had been a friend of his father's in the army. But he found this work boring and stared writing plays.
Presenter: Plays, not novels?
Holder : That's right. Today we know Dumas for his novels, hut long before he wrote The Three Musketeers or the Count of Monte Cristo, he had become famous as a playwright. In one year, 1831, five of his plays were performed in Paris.
Presenter: That’s amazing! So when did he write his adventure novels?
Holder : The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo were published in 1844 and 1845. They were immediate successes and made Dumas a rich man.
Presenter: These were historical novels, weren’t they?
Holder : Yes, they were, but they weren't all historically accurate. Dumas was mainly interested in writing exciting adventure stories, so he often changed what really happened in history.
Presenter: And his readers didn't object to this?
Holder : No, although some people were not happy when they discovered that Dumas had been employing other people to write for him.
Presenter: Do you mean he didn't write the hooks himself?
Holder : That's right. Sometimes, he paid assistants to write the stories in his style. Then he corrected and improved what they had written and the hooks were published with his name on the cover.
Presenter: But he was a successful writer, wasn't he?
Holder : Yes, very successful. He had a very good life, and became very rich. Unfortunately, although he made a lot of money, he also lost it very quickly. Towards the end of his life, his son took care of his father's finances, until he died in 1870.
Presenter: That’s very interesting. Thank you very much for telling us about the life and work of Alexandre Dumas

 Reading: The Count of Monte Cristo 

 At the beginning of the story, Edmond Dantes, the 19-year-old hero of The Count of Monte Cristo, is a happy, successful young man. He is a ship’s captain and he is soon going to be married to his fiancée, Mercedes. However, some of Edmond’s friends are envious of him and they write a letter accusing him of treason. Edmond is arrested on his wedding day and is sent to prison for life.
 After Edmond has been in prison for a number of years, Mercedes marries another man. In prison, Edmond meets an old man called Faria, who teaches him about History and Science. He also tells Edmond that he can have the valuable treasure he has hidden on the island of Monte Cristo.
 When Faria dies, Edmond escapes from prison, goes to Monte Cristo and finds the treasure. Now a wealthy man, he decides to use his new money to reward the people who have helped him and to punish his enemies.
 He finds one of these enemies, Caderousse, who gives him the names of the others. Caderousse now regrets what he did and because of this, Edmond gives him a diamond. Then he finds Morrel, the ship-owner he had worked for, and helps him with his financial problems.
 Ten years later, Edmond, who now calls himself the “Count of Monte Cristo”, arrives in Paris. His old friends do not recognize him, but Edmond knows the people who were envious of him and begins his revenge. In different ways, Edmond punishes all the men who accused him of treason.
 Finally, Edmond helps Maximillian Morrel, the son of the ship-owner, by rescuing his fiancée, Valentine from her cruel family. Edmond, too, finally finds happiness when he marries Haydee, the daughter of another Victim of his old enemies.

Key Vocabulary

finance (n / v) تمويل / يمول accuse of يتهم بـ
finance موارد مالية envious حسود
historical تاريخى fiancé خطيب
lecturer مُحاضر fiancée خطيبة
object to (v) يعترض علي recognize يتعرف علي
assistant مساعد revenge الثأر / الانتقام / ينتقم
imprisonment الحبس / السجن treason الخيانة
playwright كاتب مسرحي victim ضحية

number يرقم / يعدد truth الحقيقة
musketeer فارس victimize يتجنى على
French literature الأدب الفرنسى treasonable خائن
lonely يشعر بالوحدة treasure كنز
childhood طفولة hidden مختبئ
count كونت (لقب أوروبي) wedding زفاف
countess كونتيسة engagement خطوبة
adventure novels روايات المغامرات boring ممل
adventure stories قصص المغامرات innocent برئ
immediate success نجاح فوري difficult times أوقات عصيبة
accurate دقيق buried مدفون
accuracy دقة ship owner مالك السفينة
historical novel رواية تاريخية reward يكاقئ
historical story قصة تاريخية punish يعاقب
employ يوظف value يقدر / قيمة
unfortunately للأسف / لسوء الحظ enemy عدو
politician سياسي (الشخص) channel قناة
newspaper article مقالة صحفية captain قبطان
cover غلاف mathematician عالم رياضيات
novelist روائي bride عروس
poems قصائد bridegroom عريس
poet شاعر dowry مهر
poetry الشعر divorce طلاق
accountant محاسب orphan يتيم
financial problems مشكلات مالية nephew ابن الأخ أو الأخت
financial crisis أزمة مالية niece بنت الأخ أو الأخت
technical problem مشكلة فنية mother-in-law والدة الزوج أو الزوجة
credit ثقة father-in-law والد الزوج أو الزوجة
imprison يحبس / يسجن step mother زوجة الأب
serve يخدم step father زوج الأم
servant خادم widow أرملة
service خدمة widower أرمل
virtually عمليا / فعليا / واقعيا guest ضيف
desire رغبة / يرغب host مُضيف
envy الحسد crime جريمة
appreciate يقدر criminology علم الجرائم
pack يعبئ / يحزم (الأمتعة) prisoner of war أسير حرب
diamond ماس jail سجن / زنزانة
nation أمة / دولة convict يُدين / مُدان
nationality جنسية confront يواجه
Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

give out يوزع accusation against اتهام ضد
related to مرتبط بـ be sent to prison for life يُحكم عليه بالسجن المؤبد
approve of يوافق على at the end of في نهاية
find out about يعرف عن work for someone يعمل لدي شخص
bring up يربى escape from prison يهرب من السجن
object to يعترض على on the cover of the book علي غلاف الكتاب
take care of يعتنى بـ a secretary to someone سكرتير لـ
at the beginning of في بداية .. in different ways بطرق مختلفة
near to قريب من share ideas with يتشارك في الأفكار مع
be envious of حسود لـ get married to يتزوج من
be jealous of غيور من rescue from ينقذ من
innocent of بريء من look up يبحث عن (معلومة)
guilty of مذنب بـ in revenge for انتقاماَ لـ
on his wedding day في يوم زفافه get engaged to يخطب (فتاة)
in recognition of اعترافا بـ / تقديرا لـ inform of/about يخبر بـ / يبلغ بـ
catch up with يساير / يواكب enviable situation موقف يحسد عليه
objection to/against اعتراض علي look with envy ينظر بحقد و حسد
take revenge ينتقم reach an agreement يتوصل لاتفاق
desire for revenge رغبة للانتقام make money يكون مالا
get the credit ينال التقدير والمديح be easy prey for يكون فريسة سهلة لـ

Antonyms كلمات و عكسها

Word الكلمة Antonym العكس
treason الخيانة loyalty ولاء / إخلاص
object يعترض approve/accept يوافق / يقبل
accuse يتهم acquit يبرئ
reward يكافأ punish يعاقب
owner مالك tenant مستأجر
married متزوج single أعزب

Synonyms مترادفات

Word الكلمة synonym المردف
accuse يتهم charge يتهم
recognize يتعرف علي identify يتعرف علي
history التاريخ the past الماضى
lecturer محاضر professor أستاذ جامعى
Derivatives المشتقات

Verb فعل Noun اسم Adjective صفة
accuse يتهم accusation اتهام
the accused المتهم
accuser صاحب الاتهام accusatory متضمن اتهام
envy يحسد envy الحسد envious حسود
enviable يُحسَد عليه
recognize يتعرف علي recognitionتعرف / اعتراف / تقدير recognizable يمكن التعرف عليه
history التاريخ historical تاريخى
finance يمول finance التمويل / مورد مالي financial مالي
lecture يحاضر lecturer محاضر
assist يساعد assistant مساعد
assistance مساعد
object يعترض objection اعتراض objectionable محل اعتراض
marry يتزوج marriage الزواج married متزوج
marital زواجي


Finances (n) موارد مالية the money that a person, company, etc., has
Historical تاريخى events, people, etc. that happened or existed in the past; based on events in the past; relating to the past
Lecturer محاضر
someone who teaches a group of people about a subject, especially at a university or college
Object (v) يعترض to say that you do not like or approve of something
Assistant مساعد someone who helps someone else to do their work by doing the less important jobs
Imprisonment السجن the fact of being put or kept in prison
Playwright كاتب مسرحي someone who writes plays
Accuse يتهم to say that someone has done something wrong or illegal
Envious حسود wishing that you had something that someone else has, or that you could do something they do
fiancée خطيبة the woman you have said officially that you are going to marry
Recognize يتعرف علي to know someone or something because you have seen them before
Revenge الانتقام / ينتقم something you do in order to punish someone who has harmed you
Treason الخيانة the crime of doing something that could cause great harm to your country or government, especially by helping its enemies
Victim ضحية someone who has been hurt or killed by someone or something

-ant / -ment مقاطع تضاف لنهاية الكلمات لتكوين الاسم

serve servant assist assistant attend attendant
account accountant complain complainant contest contestant
imprison imprisonment argue argument punish punishment
agree agreement move movement invest investment

Confusable words

reward يكاقئ / مكافأة (يحصل عليها الفرد مقابل خدمة قام بها)
award (v./ n.) يمنح جائزة / جائزة (يحصل عليها الفرد نتيجة إنجاز حققه)
Ex: The company rewarded him for his honesty.
He gave the boy a reward for bringing back the lost dog.
Her dog was awarded the blue ribbon شريط in the club show.
She won the ‘Best Actress’ award.

alone بمفرده
onely لديه شعور بالوحدة لكونه بعيدا عن الآخرين
Ex: It’s wrong to leave children at home alone.
She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.

marry بدون مفعول يتزوج be / get married to + مفعـول تزوج / متزوج من
marry + مفعول يتزوج be (get) married with متزوج ولديه
Ex: They don't have any plans to marry at present.
Paul married Lucy four years ago.
She is (got) married to a rich doctor.
She is married with three nice boys.

retire يحـال للمعـاش / يتقـاعـد resign يستقيـل من العمـل
Ex: Egyptian employees retire at the age of 60.
He resigned from the company in order to take a more challenging job.

Language Notes

be successful = be a success يكون ناجحا
Ex: His first novel was successful.
His first novel was a success.

object to + v. + ing / noun يعترض على
Ex: He objected to his friends' accusations.
He objected to having to rewrite the article.
Language Functions

Offering Help Replies to Offers
Is there anything I can do to help? That's very kind of you.
Would you like me to…………? Would you mind?
If you like, I could …….… for you. Thanks very much
Shall I …..…for you? That's great.
Let me …….… I'd really appreciate that. Thanks.

   شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. Khlgy1431374946741

   شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. Enchanted_forest-1280x800
rabbit إبتسامة وراءها ألف دمعة rabbit
rabbit لاتحسبون ضحكاتي بينكم فرحا فالطير يرقص وهو مذبوح من الألم rabbit
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
دموع الآميره عهد
نجوم المنتدى
نجوم المنتدى
دموع الآميره عهد

عدد المساهمات : 340
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/08/1972
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2014
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : أميرة مملكة الآحلام
المزاج حزين

   شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..      شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. 21623810السبت 16 مايو - 0:58

 Respond to the following situations:
1- An old man can't cross the road alone. You are willing to help her. What do you say?
2- Your friend doesn't want to go to the club alone. You offer to go with him.
3- Your offer to phone your friend’s parents and tell them he is going to be late.
4- Your friend needs to carry some things to the car. You offer to help him.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- Famous artists sometimes had (accountants-assistants-applicants-ancestors) to help them.
2- Shakespeare is one of the world's most famous (playwrights-novelists-players-playmates).
3- My uncle works, as a maths (adventurer-politician-guide-lecturer) at the university in Alexandria.
4- I really (disagree-argue-can’t stand-object) to people using mobile phones in the library.
5- After five years' (imprisonment-environment-instrument-involvement), the criminal wanted to live as an honest man.
6- I'm very interested in the past. That's why I like (geographical-historical-archaeological-physical) novels.
7- Accountants help people with their (fiancées-fireplaces-fences-finances).
8- Some of Edmond's friends (accused-released-recognised-changed) him of something he had not done.
9- They were (concerned-envious-victimized-cold) of him because he was happy and successful.
10- Edmond was planning to get married to his (fiancée-colleague-victim-genius).
11- After he was arrested, Edmond was sent to prison (with-in-for-of) life.
12- Edmond escaped (at-into-about-from) prison and found Faria’s hidden treasure.
13- Edmond objected (in-to-with-from) his friends' accusations.
14- Edmond (blamed-appointed-rescued-asked) Valentine from her cruel family.
15- I studied modern European (history-historian-historic-historical) at college.
16- He works as a (natural-money-financial-normal) adviser to the prime minister.
17- She travelled widely in North America, (picturing-assuring-measuring-lecturing) on women's rights.
18- The army arrived to (consist-arrest-assist-insist) in the search.
19- Her (injection-function-objection-instruction) to the plan is based on incorrect facts.
20- The crime of being disloyal to your country is called (greed-treason-revenge-fiancée).
21- Something you do to punish someone who has harmed you is called (change-exchange-challenge-revenge).
22- To (recognize-memorize-authorize-theorize) means to know someone because you have seen them before.
23- Wishing you had something that someone else has means that you are (previous-impervious-envious-oblivious).
24- You shouldn't leave a child (only-alone-lonely-loneliness) in the house.
25- She (signed-designed-resigned-tired) from the government last week and she's going to set up her own business.
26- He was being very careful (of-at-in-with) the coffee so as not to spill it.
27- He strongly (disagrees-argues-can’t stand-objects) to the terms of the contract.
28- If she is guilty, she will be (imagined-imitated-improved-imprisoned) for at least six years.
29- I really (envy-deny-sky-convey) you. You have so much money.
30- The man managed to escape (of-in-from-with) prison.
31- Someone who has been hurt by someone or something is a/an (accused-judge-victim-prey).
32- Do we put people in prison because we want (revenge-envy-victim-fiancée) or because we hope to reform them?
33- The newspaper has a photo of a man with amnesia after a car accident. The police are asking if anyone (accuses-objects-revenges-recognises) him.
34- I (accuse-release-avoid-object)! This plan cannot go forward as it is.
35- After the earthquake, the village was not (recognizable-advisable-achievable-countable).
36- They lost the case because there was not enough evidence to support their (accusation-accuse-accuser-accused).
37- You are not (recognizable-advisable-achievable-countable) at all in that disguise. No one will know who you are.
38- That was the most boring (picture-lecture-culture-agriculture) I have ever attended at university.
39- After many years, Edmond (killed-regretted-adventured-revenged) himself on the men who had falsely accused him of treason.
40- Leila's (fiancé-fiancée-finance-victim) is going to Canada to study for his doctorate. She will marry him and join him there.
41- The students (disagrees-argues-can’t stand-objects) to the plan to extend school hours until 4 pm.
42- Overspending was at the root of Mr Ahmed’s (economical-financial-historical-political) problems.
43- After the death of her parents she was brought (down-up-in-about) by her grandmother.
44- To (cause-cease-accuse-compose) means to say someone had done something wrong or illegal.
45- My little brother looked with (hate-envy-convey-lovely) at my new computer game.
46- When his grandfather was a boy, he worked as a (arrogant – brilliant – giant - servant) for a rich man.
47- After the earthquake, the village was not (recognizable-advisable-achievable-countable).
48- Some of his (adventurers-admirers-accusers-astronomers) were his best friends. That's why he was so disappointed.
49- She is so clever that she is in the (bearable-believable-curable-enviable) situation of being able to choose her university.
50- He looked at the old man with no sign of (addition-adoption-recognition-ambition).

 Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- A Tale of Two Cities is a history novel set in the time of the French Revolution.
2- The scientist said she needed an assist to help her with her experiment.
3- His imprison was on an island in the middle of a river.
4- The children had an argue about who had won the race.
5- When his grandfather was a boy, he worked as a server for a rich man.
6- Staying late at school was his punish for talking in class.
7- She refused to answer questions about her personal fences.
8- Some of his accusations were his best friends. That's why he was so disappointed.
9- She is so clever that she is in the envy situation of being able to choose her university.
10- He looked at the old man with no sign of recognizing.
11- The accusation with Edmond was false.
12- He has just finished reading a historian novel.
13- They caused him without any proof.
14- He took range on his employers by setting fire to the factory.
15- He was convicted of high season and sentenced to death.
16- Heart attack victors stand a better chance if they are treated immediately.
17- She helped me with my facial problems. She lent me a lot of money.
18- He has an excusable reputation as a heart surgeon. All his colleagues envy him.

 Translate into Arabic:
1- To be a friend and to have friends is one of the noblest goals for which we can aim. Friendship means understanding and being understood. Friendship means forgiving and being forgiven.
2- To be interested in something is a golden rule in life. If a person is always chained to his office, he will grow physically and mentally weak. If such a person has a hobby, his daily work will no longer be tiring.

 Translate into English:
1- تشجع الحكومة الصناعات المحلية حتى نستغني عن كثير من الواردات التى تحتاج إلى الكثير من العملة الصعبة.
2- إن القراءة هـى مفتاح المعرفة والعمل الجاد هـو الطريق إلى السعادة.

Language Focus

Past Perfect Tense زمن الماضى التام

 Form: التكوين
 يتكون الماضى التام من had + p.p..
- We washed the dishes after we had eaten supper.

 Usage: الاستخدام
 يستخدم الماضى التام ليصف حدث وقع قبل حدث آخر فى الماضى.
- When I met Ali yesterday, I remembered that we had met before, about ten years ago.
- When I got home, my wife had cooked the dinner.
- I hadn’t flown before, so I was nervous about getting on the plane.
 يستخدم الماضى التام فى الكلام غير المباشر لنقل أشياء حدثت بالفعل عندما كنت تتحدث عنها.
- I told him that I had weighed the soil.
- She said she had heard it all before.
 يستخدم الماضى التام مع الكلمات الآتية:
after بعد / as soon as بمجرد أن / whenعندما / till حتى/ until حتى
before قبل / by the timeقبل / no sooner….than لم يكد... ... حتى
hardly (scarcely)……whenحتى …… لم يكد

After + subject فاعل + + past perfect ماضى تام + past simple ماضى بسيط
After + v. + ing + past simple ماضى بسيط
Having + p.p. + past simple ماضى بسيط
Ex: After he had done his homework, he watched television.
After doing his homework, he watched television.
Having done his homework, he watched television.

Before + subject فاعل + past simple ماضى بسيط + past perfect ماضى تام
Before + v. + ing + past perfect ماضى تام
Ex: Before he parked his, he had found a place.
Before parking his car, he had found a place.

By the time + subject فاعل + past simple ماضى بسيط + past perfect ماضى تام
Ex: By the time the police arrived the thief had escaped.

As soon as + subject فاعل + past perfect ماضى تام + past simple ماضى بسيط
Ex: He parked his car as soon as he had found a place.

When + subject فاعل + + past perfect ماضى تام + past simple ماضى بسيط
When + subject فاعل + past simple ماضى بسيط + past perfect ماضى تام
It was only when + فاعل + past perfect ماضى تام + that + past simpleماضى بسيط
Ex: When he had read the novel, he watched TV.
When he watched TV, he had read the novel.
It was only when he had read the novel that he watched TV.
 لاحظ الفرق فى المعنى بين هاتين الجملتين:
 When I arrived at the station, the train left.
= I arrived, then the train left.
 When I arrived at the station, the train had left.
= The train left before I arrived.

Past simple (negative) ماضى بسيط منفى + till / until + past perfect ماضى تام
Not until + past perfectماضى تام + did + فاعل + مصدر + ………….
It wasn't until + past perfect ماضى تام + that + ماضى بسيط
Ex: He didn’t park his car until he had found a place.
Not until he had found a place did he park his car.
It wasn't until he had found a place that he parked his car.

   شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. Khlgy1431374946741

   شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. Enchanted_forest-1280x800
rabbit إبتسامة وراءها ألف دمعة rabbit
rabbit لاتحسبون ضحكاتي بينكم فرحا فالطير يرقص وهو مذبوح من الألم rabbit
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
دموع الآميره عهد
نجوم المنتدى
نجوم المنتدى
دموع الآميره عهد

عدد المساهمات : 340
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/08/1972
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2014
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : أميرة مملكة الآحلام
المزاج حزين

   شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..      شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. 21623810السبت 16 مايو - 1:01

no sooner than
subject فاعل + + had + hardly + p.p. when + past simple ماضى بسيط
scarcely when
Ex: He had no sooner gone shopping than it started to rain.
He had hardly gone shopping when it started to rain.

 لاحظ استخدامno sooner/hardly /scarcely بين had و التصريف الثالث(pp)
 إذا بدأت الجملة بــ no sooner/hardly/scarcely نضع الجملة الأولى فى صيغة استفهام.

No sooner than
Hardly + had + subject فاعل + p.p. + when + past simple ماضى بسيط
Scarcely when

- No sooner had they finished painting our new house than we moved into it.
- Hardly had they finished painting our new house when we moved into it.

 لابد من استخدام الماضى التام إذا كان ذلك يؤثر على معنى الجملة.
- He thanked me for what I had done.
- He found the bag, which he had lost.
- He was tired because he had worked for 14 hours.

Past Perfect Continuous
زمن الماضى التام المستمر

 يتكون الماضى التام المستمر من had been + v. + ing
- They had been waiting for an hour when the train arrived.

 يستخدم الماضى التام المستمر لوصف حدث استمر لفترة فى الماضى قبل وقوع حدث أخر و يستخدم عادة مع since / for / when / all day / all weekend
- We'd been waiting for three hours before our plane took off.

 يستخدم الماضى التام المستمر لتقديم سبب حدث فى الماضى.
- There were floods because it had been raining for three days.
 يأتي الماضى التام المستمر عادة مع أفعال يمكن أن تستغرق فترة طويلة مثل
wait / do / study / live / work / stay / play / watch / sleep / paint / read / write / talk / run / walk / travel
- I was very tired when I arrived home. I had been working hard all day.
- He had been smoking for 30 years when he finally gave it up.
- They had been waiting for an hour before the train arrived.
- What had he been doing when the accident happened?
- There were floods because it had been raining for three days.

 إذا ذكرنا مرات حدوث الفعل نستخدم الماضي التام و ليس الماضي التام المستمر:
- When I met Ahmed, he had finished typing 3 reports.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- I didn’t write to my friend until I (have received-had received-will receive-was received) his letter.
2- We (have had-had-had been having-had had) that car for ten years before it broke down.
3- When she went home she found that she (buy-has bought-had bought-would buy) the wrong book.
4- We (had played-has played-were playing-had been playing) tennis for only a few minutes when it started raining.
5- The secretary left the office after (type-had typed-typed-typing) all the letters.
6- Hardly (he had heard-has he heard-had he heard-does he hear) the bad news when he got depressed.
7- It (had been snowing-had snowed-snowed-has snowed) for a while before we left.
8- I (have-has-had-was) already left the house when it began to rain.
9- They had no sooner left the house (when-what-then-than) it started to rain.
10- There were floods because it (had been raining-has been raining-was raining-rains) for three days.
11- By the time Alex finished his studies, he (was-had been-has been-is) in London for over eight years.
12- When I went to my friend's flat, she (already left-has already left-had already left-left) for school.
13- Last year, I spent a month in France. I (dream-had dreamt-has dreamt-was dreaming) of going there since I was a child.
14- Leila and her husband (move-have moved-moved-had been moving) into their own flat last weekend. Before that they had lived with Leila's parents.
15- My father retired last week. He (worked-has worked-has been working-had worked) for the same company all his life.
16- Karim fell asleep during the football match because he (had gone-has gone-was going-is going) to bed late the night before.
17- The fish was fresh when I (bought-had bought-was buying-have bought) it.
18- Ali ate a sandwich during the game because he (wasn't having-had not had-doesn't have-won't have) enough time to eat before it started.
19- The doctor said that the patient (dies-died-had died-was dying) a few minutes before.
20- Hassan (borrows-has borrowed-borrowed-was borrowing) money from Ali because he had left his money at home.
21- Adel asked which team was red because he (doesn't see-hasn't seen-can't see-had not seen) these teams before.
22- I did not have any money because I (had lost-have lost-lost-lose) my wallet.
23- Paul (has looked-was looking-had been looking-looks) for work for over a year before he got a job.
24- The little children's clothes (are-have been-were being-were) dirty because they had been playing in the park all day.
25- He (had been driving-was driving-drives-to drive) for only 3 weeks, so it is not surprising that he failed his driving test.
26- I went to the doctor's yesterday evening because I (have been feeling-was feeling-had been feeling-feel) ill for nearly a week.
27- When I got home, I was very tired. I (have been working-work-had been working-have worked) all day.
28- The town was flooded. It (has rained-had been raining-has been raining-rains) for 3 days.
29- After I (finish-have finished-had been finishing-had finished) my homework, I watched my favourite TV programme.
30- She (worked-has been working-had worked-had been working) at that company for three years when it went out of business.

 Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- After we have seen our relatives, we went into town.
2- By the time she had finished writing her report, she had drunk six cups of tea.
3- Reem was repaired the statue before she replaced it on its stand.
4- Fatima was very tired because she has been travelling all day.
5- Mona admitted that she had finished the chocolate before Mother comes home.
6- Before had dinner with my family, I picked up a gift for my mother.
7- After the meeting, we returning to our offices to finish our work.
8- After we had dinner, we ate Hany’s chocolate cake.
9- Sherif had never heard of her before he meets her.
10- I didn’t thought of that before Ahmed mentioned it.
11- After his father had died, the mother doesn't send her son to school.
12- By the time Ahmed was 20, his father has spent all his money.
13- When I saw him, he hasn't finished his work yet.
14- He didn't know the truth until he reads the newspaper.
15- No sooner he had left the building than it collapsed.
16- I was terribly afraid because I have never flown before.
17- The child was so exhausted because he has been playing all day.
18- You have been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
19- They had been talking for over an hour before Tony had arrived.
20- Mike wanted to sit down because he has been standing all day at work.
Test (Unit 11 & Chapter 6)

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- Your friend doesn't want to go to the station alone. You offer to go with him.
2- Your friend offers to phone your parents and tell them you are going to be late. You appreciate that.
3- Your friend needs to carry some things to the car. You offer to help him.
4- An old lady can't cross the road alone. You are willing to help her. What do you say?

2- Mention the place , the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1- A: Can I help you, sir? Place:
B: Yes, please. I’d like a steak. Speaker A:
A: Rare, medium or well done? Speaker B:
B: Well done, please. Function:

2- A: I’d like to extend my stay here. Place:
B: How long do you want to extend your stay? Speaker A:
A: Two months. Speaker B:
B: Fill in this form and give me your passport. Function:

B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer:
1- I really ………… to very loud music in public places.
a) disagree b) argue c) can’t stand d) object
2- Ahmed’s friends didn’t ………… him when he returned from a year abroad.he looks so different.
a) recognize b) remember c) see d) look
3- Hanan was so ………….. of Farida’s new dress that she went out and bought herself one.
a) concerned b) envious c) victimized d) cold
4- Farid gave his new ……………… a big diamond ring.
a) fiancée b) colleague c) victim d) genius
5- The two people were accused of ……………. and were imprisoned for life.
a) greed b) treason c) revenge d) fiancée
6- When Hatem was visiting Barcelona, he became the ………… of a robbery.
a) result b) victim c) fiancée d) treason
7- Ehab was wrongly …………… of cheating during an exam.
a) accused b) released c) recognised d) changed
8- When there is a legal system, ……………... has no place in society.
a) concern b) review c) revenge d) a victim
9- At the weekend, my aunt asked me what I ………… since we last met.
a) did b) was doing c) have done d) had been doing

10- Sara fell ill at night because she ………… too much the day before.
a) had eaten b) was eating c) eats d) has eaten
11- Hamdi was very tired yesterday evening because he ………… for a school test all day.
a) has revised b) had been revising c) revised d) revising
12- After Selma ………… to the market, she made a delicious meal for us all.
a) has gone b) goes c) go d) had gone
13- The girls were going to a restaurant after they …………… some shopping.
a) had done b) were doing c) did d) have done
14- We recently learned that Samia …………… as a secret agent for years.
a) has acted b) is acting c) acted d) had been acting
15- Before the fireworks went off, we ………… sitting in the square.
a) had b) have been c) had been d) are
16- How many times ………… to the north coast before you bought a chalet there?
a) are you been b) have you been c) had you been d) were you

4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Alfred Farag is a famous Egyptian playwrite.
2- I find what you are saying objection. I don't like it at all.
3- Since the amnesia, he is having problems with his recognize of faces.
4- James has been teaching at the university for more than a year before he left for Asia.
5- He was out of breath when he arrived because he has been running.
6- Tony knew Istanbul so well because he visited the city several times.

C- Reading
5- Read the passage then answer the questions:
When you cut your skin, you bleed. Every one knows that. If a person loses a great deal of blood, he will become ill and may die. At one time people drank blood to make them strong.
When doctors understood how blood went around inside the body, they tried ways of giving blood to people who needed it. They used a rubber tube to take blood from healthy people and give it to people who needed it. This is called blood transfusion. The blood went through a rubber tube from the arm of the healthy person into the arm of the sick person.
But there were two problems. First it did not always work. Sometimes people died. Later, doctors found the reason for this. We do not all have the same kind of blood. There was another problem. To give blood of the right kind, the doctors had to find a person of the right blood group. Often they could not find a person in time. If they had a way to keep the blood until someone needed it, they could always have the right kind of blood. In the end, they found a way of keeping blood for a very long time. Now people can give or donate blood every three months, if they want to. The blood is put in bottles and then kept until someone needs it.

A. Give short answers to the following questions:
1- What happens if a person loses a great deal of blood?
2- What is meant by blood transfusion?
3- Why did some people die during blood transfusion?

B. Choose the correct answer:
4-Now doctors can keep blood for …………………… .
a) 15 minutes b) 20 minutes
c) a long time d) a short time
5- People don’t usually have …………… blood group.
a) the same b) different
c) alike d) similar

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Can you imagine anything worse than returning home to find that burglars have broken into your house? Unfortunately, this happens to about one million people in Britain annually. However, if you want better protection against burglars, there are several things you can do. To improve security, check all the locks on your doors and windows. The installation of lighting all around the house will make sure a burglar is unable to hide in the shadows. An alarm system is another good preventative measure you can take.
Starting a neighbourhood watch group is also a very effective way to prevent crime in your area. Since most burglaries take place when people are away on holiday, this is when your neighbours' help is most valuable. Ask them to collect your mail, open and close your curtains every day, switch your lights on and off and even mow your lawn to make your house look occupied.

A. Give short answers to the following questions:
1- According to the text, when are burglars able to hide in homes?
2- When do most burglaries usually occur?
3- Find in the passage words which mean:
a) protection against threats b) very useful or important

B. Choose the correct answer:
4-The pronoun "them" in the second paragraph refers to ……………….
a) homes b) house owners
c) policemen d) policemen
5- A neighbourhood watch group can help to …………… crime in your area.
a) avoid b) add
c) develop d) repeat

The Mask of Gold

7-A) Answer the following questions:
1- According to Leila, what caused the crack in the skeleton's skull?
2- What did people put in tombs in the time of the Incas?
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
“He might have been killed."
1- Why did Dr Hafez say this?
2- Who might have been killed?

C) Complete the following sentences:
1- The work in the tomb was tiring because ……………………………………………
2- In order to be sure it was a royal tomb, ……………………………………………..

D- Writing
8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
The advantages and disadvantages of running your own business.

9- A)Translate into Arabic:
All the members of a family should participate to make their home clean, healthy and comfortable. Each member should work for the good of the whole, for without co-operation there could be no family life.

B) Translate into English:
1- لقد نجحت وزارة السياحة في الفترة الأخيرة في اجتذاب الكثير من السياح ونتيجة لذلك فقد ازداد الدخل القومي لوطننا.
2- مسئولية كل مصري تجاه الأشجار و الزهور كبيرة فهي تقلل من التلوث البيئي.

   شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. Khlgy1431374946741

   شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية .. Enchanted_forest-1280x800
rabbit إبتسامة وراءها ألف دمعة rabbit
rabbit لاتحسبون ضحكاتي بينكم فرحا فالطير يرقص وهو مذبوح من الألم rabbit
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح كامل للوحدة 11 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
فراشة الأحلام :: المناهج الدراسية المرحلة الثانوية :: الصف الثالث الثانوى :: اللغة الإنجليزية ثانوية عامة-
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