فراشة الأحلام
  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. 3651769270

انه لشرف كبير تكرمكم وزيارتكم
لنا نتمنى ان نكون عند حسن رضائكم وان شاء الله ستجدون كل ما تصبوا له نفسكم وتتمناه
وهاهي ايدينا نمدها لكم وندعوكم للانضمام الينا لتصبحوا من افرد اسرتنا المتواضعه وتنيرونا بي مواضيعكم وردودكم النيره بكم نفيد ومنكم نستفيد
هنا في فراشة الآحلام نلتقي و الى الافق نرتقي
فراشة الأحلام
  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. 3651769270

انه لشرف كبير تكرمكم وزيارتكم
لنا نتمنى ان نكون عند حسن رضائكم وان شاء الله ستجدون كل ما تصبوا له نفسكم وتتمناه
وهاهي ايدينا نمدها لكم وندعوكم للانضمام الينا لتصبحوا من افرد اسرتنا المتواضعه وتنيرونا بي مواضيعكم وردودكم النيره بكم نفيد ومنكم نستفيد
هنا في فراشة الآحلام نلتقي و الى الافق نرتقي
فراشة الأحلام
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
دموع الآميره عهد
نجوم المنتدى
نجوم المنتدى
دموع الآميره عهد

عدد المساهمات : 340
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/08/1972
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2014
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : أميرة مملكة الآحلام
المزاج حزين

  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..     شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. 21623810السبت 16 مايو - 1:08

Unit 12: Festivals and folk music

Tape script

Nabil : Different cultures have different festivals, don' they?
Nahla: Yes, but nearly all cultures celebrate a good harvest because it means they 'II have food for the next year.
Nabil : They're probably the oldest type-festivals, aren't they?
Tom : Yes, they are. In England, most towns and Villages have harvest festivals. People take fruit and vegetables to their local church. After the festival, these are given out to the poor.
Nabil : I know that some cultures have special winter festivals, don't they?
Nahla: Yes, like the Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan.
Tom : What happens there?
Nabil: Well, it isn't an old festival. It began in 1950 when some students made snow sculptures in a park in Sapporo - that's the capital of Hokkaido, Japan's second largest island. Now it's one of Japan's largest winter festivals. Every year, for seven days in February, thousands of people enjoy looking at the beautiful snow and ice sculptures which may be famous landmarks, like the Sphinx, or enormous models of well-known buildings.
Tom : Really? That's very unusual.
Nahla: In China, they have a big festival in winter, too. Chinese New Year's the most important day of the year.
Nabil : When do they celebrate that?
Nahla: It isn't the same day every year.
Tom : Why’s that?
Nahla: It depends on the position of the moon, but it's always between the 21" of January and the of February. I remember watching a TV programme about it.
Nabil : How do people celebrate?
Nahla: Well, before the holiday, they clean their homes and buy new clothes. Then, people visit their relatives and give presents on the clay after New Year's Day. There's a big procession, there's loud drum music and there are fireworks.
Nabil : That sounds really interesting. Chinese people all over the world celebrate this, don't they?
Tom : Yes, they do. Do you have any festivals like this in Egypt?
Nahla: We have Sham El-Nessim, It s a festival to mark the beginning of spring.
Tom : What happens?
Nabil: It’s mainly a day when families spend the day together, usually in the open air. We have a meal offish with eggs and green onions.
Tom : I really want to see one of these festivals. Many of them have interesting music, too
Nabil: You should ask your parents to take you.
Tom : Yes, I 'II suggest going to the Sham El-Nessim festival in Egypt next year!

Reading: Folk music

 In the same way that cultures have their own festivals, they also have their own traditional folk music: a particular style of music that uses different instruments.
 Unlike other kinds of music, folk music usually develops in local communities. Even in one country, different areas, cities and villages often have their own distinctive styles. For example, the traditional music of Cairo is different from the music of other parts of Egypt. Distinctive styles developed because, in the past, most people were born and lived their lives in one village or one small area. Music was individual, not influenced by music from other areas.
 Today, most modern music is written as entertainment. Most folk music, however, has a special purpose. Folk songs, for example, were made up to describe important historical events, to help people get through their day's work, or to sing babies to sleep. Until recent times, folk music was not written down. Children learnt it from their families, friends or neighbours.
 The musical instruments used in folk also vary from place to place. The people of Upper Egypt, for example, often play the rababah, an instrument like a violin; the simsimiyya is the instrument of the Suez area. The oud is common in the folk music of Cairo. Once, it was taken to Europe, where it evolved into a number of modern Instruments.
 Today, travel and modern technology have made it possible for anyone to listen to music not just from other areas, but from other cultures around the world. Because of this, distinctive folk music could disappear in future. With this in mind, it is our responsibility to do everything we can to protect the traditional music of our countries, our regions and our communities.

Key Vocabulary

celebrate يحتفل distinctive مُمًيًز وواضح
drum طبلة event حدث (هام)
fireworks ألعاب نارية evolve يتطور
landmark مًعلًم هام folk شعبي / الموسيقي والأغاني الشعبية
mark (v/n) يُمثل/ يكون إيذانا ببدء / يصحح responsibility مسئولية
position وضع / مكان / مكانة / وظيفة / مركز vary يتنوع / يختلف
procession موكب harvest الحصاد / يحصد


culture ثقافة the Sphinx أبو الهول
festival مهرجان drum music موسيقى الطبول
sculptures تماثيل منحوتة relatives أقارب
enormous model نموذج هائل open air الهواء الطلق
green onions بصل أخضر burn يحرق
concert حفل موسيقى hit يضرب
special occasion مناسبة خاصة region منطقة
musical instrument آلة موسيقية regional اقليمي
stick عصا charitable خيرى
drumstick عصا النقر علي الطبلة a fan مُعجب
drummer طبال can't stand لا يطيق
explode ينفجر capital عاصمة / رأس المال
a line of people طابور من الناس typical نموذجى
the Eiffel Tower برج إيفل stressed متوتر
objects أشياء New Year’s Day عيد رأس السنة
palace قصر Harvest Festival مهرجان الحصاد
royal ملكي The Chinese New Year العام الجديد فى الصين
folk music الموسيقي الشعبية behaviour سلوك
traditional تقليدي Snow Festival مهرجان الثلج
traditional music موسيقي تقليدية well-known مشهور
a particular style أسلوب معين family members أعضاء الأسرة
local community مجتمع محلي funeral جنازة
individual فرد / فردي bride عروسة
a special purpose غرض خاص groom عريس
historical events أحداث تاريخية wind instruments آلات نفخ
entertainment الترفيه professional musician موسيقار محترف
Upper Egypt صعيد مصر carnival كرنفال
the oud العود reflect يعكس
violin الكمان irresponsible behaviour سلوك غير مسئول
a common instrument آلة (موسيقية) شائعة develop new techniques يُطور أساليب جديدة
benefits فوائد information technology تكنولوجيا المعلومات
health conditions الظروف الصحية a distinctive style أسلوب متميز
health problems مشاكل الصحية clap يصفق
driving test اختبار القيادة duty واجب
driving licence رخصة القيادة relieve يخفف
oral tradition تقليد شفهي pain ألم
local materials مواد محلية nerves أعصاب
relax يسترخي / يستجم standard مستوى
child's development نمو الطفل feast عيد
increasingly بصورة متزايدة signals علامات
mental عقلي inspire يلهم / يوحى
physical بدنى traditions تقاليد
music therapy العلاج بالموسيقى audience جمهور
spring الربيع detest يحتقر / يكره
relation علاقة charitable event حدث خيرى
ceremony احتفال رسمى special events أحداث خاصة

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

give out يوزع write down music يُدون الموسيقي
make sculptures يصنع تماثيل vary from place to place يختلف من مكان إلي مكان
mark the beginning of يُمثل بداية .. make up songs يؤلف أغاني
play an instrument يعزف علي آلة (موسيقية) evolve into يتطور إلي
depend on يعتمد على with this in mind واضعا ذلك في الاعتبار
get together يتقابل / يجتمع listen to music يستمع للموسيقي
last for يستمر لمدة in relation to بالنسبة إلي
score a goal يسجل هدف use music for a purpose يستخدم الموسيقي لغرض
achieve a goal يحقق هدف (في الحياة) cheer up يبتهج
make a loud noise يحُدث ضوضاء عالية access to حق دخول أو استخدام أو الحصول على
responsible for مسئول عن pass from … to ينتقل من..إلي..
take responsibility for يتحمل المسئولية عن make a model of يصمم نموذج لـ
it is our responsibility to إنها مسئوليتنا أن make a decision يقرر / يتخذ قرار
in the same way بنفس الطريقة keep the music alive تبقى الموسيقى حية
be influenced by يتأثر بـ keen on مغرم بـ
be made up of يتكون من pick ….. up يصطحب
get through their work ينجزون عملهم interested in مهتم بـ
sing babies to sleep يغني للأطفال ليناموا different from مختلف عن

Antonyms كلمات و عكسها

Word الكلمة Antonym العكس
mental عقلي physical بدني / جسمي
distinctive مُمًيز common عادي / شائع
lifeless ميت / بلا حياة alive حي
traditional تقليدى modern حديث
evolve يتطور stagnate يركد / يصبح راكدا
responsible مسئول irresponsible غير مسئول
eventful حافل بالأحداث uneventful لم يقع به ما يجدر ذكره

Synonyms مترادفات

Word الكلمة synonym المردف
evolve يتطور develop يتطور
vary يتنوع / يختلف differ يتنوع / يختلف
procession موكب march / parade موكب
responsibility مسئولية duty مسئولية
distinctive مُمًيًز وواضح distinguishing مُمًيًز وواضح

Derivatives المشتقات

Verb فعل Noun اسم Adjective صفة
celebrate يحتفل celebration احتفال
a celebrity شخص مشهور celebrated مشهور

drum يقرع طبلا drum طبلة
drummer طبال
drumstick عصا النقر علي الطبلة
responsibility مسئولية responsible مسئول
evolve يتطور evolution التطور evolutionary تطوري
vary يتنوع variety تنوع / مجموعة منوعة various متنوع / مختلف
event حدث (هام) eventful حافل بالأحداث

  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. Khlgy1431374946741

  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. Enchanted_forest-1280x800
rabbit إبتسامة وراءها ألف دمعة rabbit
rabbit لاتحسبون ضحكاتي بينكم فرحا فالطير يرقص وهو مذبوح من الألم rabbit
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
دموع الآميره عهد
نجوم المنتدى
نجوم المنتدى
دموع الآميره عهد

عدد المساهمات : 340
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/08/1972
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2014
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : أميرة مملكة الآحلام
المزاج حزين

  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..     شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. 21623810السبت 16 مايو - 1:10


Celebrate يحتفل to do something special because it is a special occasion, or because something good has happened
drum (n) طبلة a round musical instrument which you play by hitting it with your hand or a stick
Fireworks ألعاب نارية small objects that explode or bum with a coloured light, used for celebrating special events
Landmark مًعلًم هام something that helps you recognise where you are, such as a famous building
Mark (v) يُمثل / يحتفل بـ يكون إيذانا ببدء to show that something is happening, especially an important event or change
Position (n) وضع / مكان مكانة / وظيفة / مركز the place where someone or something is in relation to other things
Procession موكب a line of people or vehicles moving slowly as part of a ceremony
Distinctive مُمًيًز وواضح showing a person or thing to be different from others
Event حدث (هام) something that happens, especially something important, interesting or unusual•
Evolve يتطور to develop or make something develop gradually
Folk شعبي
موسيقي وأغاني شعبية traditional and typical of the ordinary people who live in a particular area
Responsibility مسئولية if something is your responsibility, it is your duty to make sure that it is done
Vary يتنوع if things of the same type vary, they are all different from each other

Confusable Words

landmark معلم هام landscape
Ex: The Sphinx and Taj Mahal are famous landmarks in Egypt and India.
The landscape along the banks of the Nile is very beautiful.

Musician موسيقار / عازف موسيقى composer ملحن
Ex: He is a talented young musician.
My favourite composer is Beethoven.

snow الثلج (قطرات الماء المتجمدة التي تسقط من السماء)
ice الثلج أو الجليد (الماء عندما يتجمد ويصبح ثلجا)
Ex: Outside the snow began to fall.
Would you like ice in your juice?

differ from يختلف عن
differ about / on / over يختلف بشأن
differentiate between … and … يميز الفرق / يبين الاختلاف
differentiate … from … يميز الفرق / يبين الاختلاف
Ex: People differ from one another in their ability to handle stress.
The two lawyers differed about how to present the case.
It's important to differentiate between fact and opinion.
Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.

Language Notes

keen on + v. + ing مولع بـ / مغرم بـ
Ex: I'm not keen on going to the cinema.

unlike على العكس من
Ex: Unlike his father, he doesn’t like music.

Language Functions

Expressing likes Expressing dislikes
I'm a big fan of … I'm not keen on …
I prefer … I don't enjoy …
I quite like … I dislike …
I love … I can't stand …
I'm mad / crazy about … I hate / detest …

 Respond to the following situations:
1- A friend would like to find out what music you like. What do you say?
2- You ask a friend what sort of music you enjoy.
3- You want to find out if your friend plays a musical instrument.
4- A friend asks you whether there is any sort of music you don't like.

 Translate into Arabic:
1- In Egypt the celebration of the spring-time harvest festival was dedicated to Min, their god of vegetation and fertility. The festival featured a parade in which the Pharaoh took part. After the parade a great feast was held. Music, dancing, and sports were also part of the celebration.
2- Stress can be a friend or an enemy. It can warn you that you are under too much pressure and you should change your way of life. It can kill you if you don’t notice the warning signals. Doctors agree that stress is the biggest single cause of illness in the western world.

 Translate into English:
1- إن مشكلة الانفجار السكانى هى اخطر مشكلة تواجه العلماء فى الوقت الحالى.
2- إن انتشار استخدام أجهزة الكمبيوتر فى المدارس و المنازل و المصالح الحكومية سيكون له أثره العظيم فى تقدم مصر.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- (Landmarks-Drums-Celebrations-Fireworks) are small objects that explode or bum with a coloured light, used for celebrating special events.
2- A (position-state-job-post) is the place where someone or something is in relation to other things.
3- A (position-procession-landmark-stop) is a line of people or vehicles moving slowly as part of a ceremony
4- Jack and Lilly (calculated-cancelled-celebrated-captured) their 50th anniversary with a large anniversary party for all their family and friends.
5- A (drum-violin-piano-guitar) is a round musical instrument, which you play by hitting it with your hand or a stick.
6- A (landmark-landfill-landlady-landscape) is something that helps you recognize where you are, such as a famous building.
7- (Landmarks-Drums-Celebrations-Fireworks) can be very dangerous, so they shouldn't be given to young children.
8- We scored a goal because the other team's goalkeeper was in the wrong (position-procession-landmark-mark).
9- The Eiffel Tower in Paris is one of the world's most famous (landmines-landmarks-marks-landslides).
10- Forty members of our family got together to (revive-vary-celebrate-join) my grandfather's birthday.
11- If you hit them hard, (drums-violins-pianos-guitars) make a very loud noise.
12- A (process-project-procession-person) of about twenty thousand people moved slowly towards the king's palace.
13- Young people are (irresponsible-responsible-desirable-admirable) for protecting their country's folk music.
14- It is (advisable-desirable-admirable-irresponsible) to drive dangerously especially in towns or cities.
15- The (evolution-evaluation-resolution-distribution) of the internet has taken place over the last twenty years.
16- Our local university offers a (varied-variety-various-variable) of language courses.
17- You can buy this shirt in (various-variation-difference-changeable) colours.
18- I don't understand the (plan-suggestion-distinction-direction) between who and which.
19- Farmers are expecting to have a good (news-bread-harvest-grains) this year.
20- There are (sculptures-fireworks-celebrations-processions) of kings and queens in the temples of Luxor.
21- An interesting winter (deliberation-determination-celebrate-celebration) is the Sapporo Festival in Japan.
22- The funeral (queue-caravan-procession-row) made its way down the hill to the cemetery.
23- Sham El-Nessim is a day which (manors-celebrates-marks-serves) the beginning of Spring.
24- Food is gathered in from the fields during the (production-consumption-harvest-planting).
25- The Chinese bang (gums-pianos-guitars-drums) on New Year’s Day to frighten evil spirits.
26- This year's Olympic Games will be the biggest ever sporting (accident-incident-story-event).
27- In England, at harvest festival, people give vegetables, fruit and flowers (off-up-in-out) to the poor.
28- Pop music is a style of music that is (favourable-popular-public-common) with teenagers. المراهقين
29- She is very keen (in-on-of-about) swimming.
30- Over the years, most folk music have been made up to get (through-into-up-out of) their work.
31- Dress sizes (change-differ-diverge-range) from petite to extra large.
32- Western classical music is still enjoyed today by audiences from different (authorities-powers-cultures-worlds).
33- New Year (communications-celebrations-confessions-depressions) in Scotland go on for three days.
34- Van Gogh, perhaps Holland's most (calculated-cancelled-celebrated-captured) artist, died in poverty.
35- He became a sporting (celebrity-ability-activity-capability) after winning the gold medal.
36- A (dreamer-hammer-mourner-drummer) is someone who plays drums.
37- The object you hit a drum with is called a (drumbeat-drum machine-drum set-drumstick).

38- If things of the same type (agree-vary-meet-demand), they are all different from each other
39- If something is your (responsibility-rapidity-reliability-relativity), it is your duty to make sure that it is done.
40- (Yolk-Folk-Walk-Chalk) means traditional and typical of the ordinary people who live in a particular area.
41- To (revolve-involve-revolt-evolve) means to develop or make something develop gradually.
42- The concert was a charitable (accident-condition-event-revenge) to collect money for the poor.
43- The guitar is a musical (machine-device-instrument-technique).
44- Whatever you think of Eliot's poetry, it's certainly (distinctive-addictive-additive-attentive).
45- It was highly (irresistible-irritable-repairable-irresponsible) of him to leave the children on their own in the pool.
46- The Chinese New Year (festival-capital-classical-funeral) takes place between the 21st of January and the 19th of February.
47- Folk music usually develops in (international-global-coastal-local) communities.
48- Folk music is a particular (style-function-bunch-quantity) of music that uses different instruments.
49- If you want to be a poet, you must (dissolve-revolve-solve-evolve) your own style of writing.
50- Some (celebrations-celebrated-celebrities-celebrates) were interviewed on TV last night.

 Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Fireplces were set off in the sky on the occasion of the Victory Day.
2- After the celebrate, the crowd went home.
3- Magdy drummer up support for the charity by talking to a lot of people.
4- There is often no distinct difference between identical twins
5- Although it is difficult, you need to make the distinct between the two.
6- The sound variation with how the strings of an instrument are touched.
7- What an event day that was! I got a job and met my future fiancée.
8- Nothing happened today. It was completely eventful.
9- You are not very responsibility if you leave your clothes thrown about.
10- The teachers spent the afternoon marketing the exam papers.
11- Snow and ice sculptures are famous landmines in Sapporo in Japan.
12- In the past, most people born and lived their lives in one small area.
13- In the past, music was indivisible, not influenced by music from other areas.
14- Folk music uses different musical installments.
15- Most folk music has a special propose.
16- Composers are skilled in playing music, usually as a job.
17- Today, we can listen to music from other captures around the world.
18- Mothers sometimes use folk songs to sink their babies to sleep.

19- It is our immobility to do everything we can to protect the traditional music of our country.
20- His views different considerably from those of his parents.

Language Focus

أفعال يأتي بعدها to + inf.

agree يوافق try يحاول
arrange يرتب threaten يهدد
decide يقرر want يريد
expect يتوقع refuse يرفض
hope يأمل deserve يستحق
learn يتعلم prepare يستعد
offer يعرض pretend يتظاهر
plan يخطط manage يتمكن
promise يعد wish يرغب
Ex: Everyone agreed to meet at the airport.
The boys have arranged to play football after school.
Ali has decided to study science at university.
I expect to finish my homework later this evening.
They hope to get a job they enjoy doing.
I learnt to swim when I was three years old.
She offered to help her mother prepare lunch.
What do you plan to do in the summer?
Leila promised to phone her mother as soon as she got to school.
I've tried to read that book, but I don't understand it.
Do you want to come to my party?

أفعال يأتي بعدها فعل مضاف له ing

admit يعترف involve يتضمن
avoid يتجنب consider يفكر في
dislike يكره put off يؤجل
enjoy يستمتع delay يؤخر
finish ينهي postpone يؤجل
practise يمارس include يشمل
suggest يقترح can't help لا يستطيع أن يمنع نفسه من
risk يخاطر fancy يتخيل
deny ينكر imagine يتخيل
Ex: He admitted borrowing my pen without asking me.
The driver of the car avoided hitting the motorbike.
He dislikes sleeping during the day.
The children enjoyed playing in the sea.
They are going home as soon as they have finished working.
Musicians practise playing their instruments for many hours a day.
My friend suggested going for a picnic on the beach.

أفعال يأتي بعدها to + inf. أو فعل مضاف له ing بدون اختلاف في المعني

hate يكره like يحب
love يحب prefer يفضل
Ex: I hate to get / getting water in my eyes.
I like to do / doing exercise every day.
She loves to cook / cooking for her family.
He prefers to fly / flying to Europe.
إذا استخدمنا would قبل الأفعال السابقة فانه يأتي بعدها to + inf.
Ex: I'd like to finish my work early today.
I'd prefer to drink coffee.
I’d love to go for a swim this evening.

أفعال يأتي بعدها to + inf. أو فعل مضاف له ing مع وجود اختلاف في المعني

stop يتوقف forget ينسى
remember يتذكر regret يأسف /يندم

 remember + to + مصدر : يتذكر أن يقوم بعمل شئ ما
- He remembered to see the man.
= He remembered, and then saw the man.
 remember + v. + ing: يقوم بعمل شئ ثم يتذكر أنه فعله
- He remembered seeing the man.
= he saw the man, and later he remembered.

 forget + to + مصدر : ينسى أن يفعل شيئا
- Nadia forgot to meet the customer.
= She didn't meet the customer.
 forget + v. + ing : يفعل شئ ثم ينسى أنه فعله
- Nadia forgot meeting the customer.
= She met the customer but then couldn't remember the occasion.

 regret + to + مصدر : يشعر بالأسف لأنه من الضرورى أن يفعل شيئا
- He regretted to say that my brother had an accident.
= He was sorry that it was necessary to say it.
 regret + v. + ing : يشعر بالأسف لأنه فعل شيئا
- He regretted saying that my brother had an accident.
= He was sorry that he had said it.

  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. Khlgy1431374946741

  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. Enchanted_forest-1280x800
rabbit إبتسامة وراءها ألف دمعة rabbit
rabbit لاتحسبون ضحكاتي بينكم فرحا فالطير يرقص وهو مذبوح من الألم rabbit
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
دموع الآميره عهد
نجوم المنتدى
نجوم المنتدى
دموع الآميره عهد

عدد المساهمات : 340
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/08/1972
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2014
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : أميرة مملكة الآحلام
المزاج حزين

  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..     شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. 21623810السبت 16 مايو - 1:12

 try + to + مصدر : يحاول عمل شئ و غالبا لا ينجح
- He tried to climb the tree but he couldn't.
= He failed to climb the tree..
 try + v. + ing : يحاول عمل شئ و غالبا ينجح / يقوم بعمل شئ ليرى نتيجته
- He tried climbing the tree and he did it.
= He succeeded in climbing the tree.
- A: I have a bad headache.
B: Try taking an aspirin.
= Take an aspirin and see the result.

 stop + to + مصدر : يتوقف لكى يفعل شيئا
- He stopped to read his paper.
= He stopped what he was doing to read the paper.
 stop + v. + ing : يتوقف عن عمل شئ
- He stopped reading his paper.
= He had read what he wanted to read.

استخدام v + ing بعد to فى هذه التعبيرات

take to يعتاد علي object to يعترض
be used to معتاد look forward to يتطلع إلي
be accustomed to معتاد due to بسبب
get used to يعتاد علي in addition to بالإضافة إلى
own up to يعترف بـ contribute to يسهم في
lead to يؤدي إلى be opposed to معارض لـ
owing to بسبب thanks to بفضل
Ex: He is used to getting up early.
He took to drinking.

استخدام فعل مضاف له ing بعد هذه التعبيرات التعبيرات

be busy مشغول Be worth يستحق
have difficulty (in) يجد صعوبة في It’s a waste of money مضيعة للمال
It’s no good = It’s no use لا فائدة من It’s a waste of time مضيعة للوقت
There is no point in لا فائدة من Feel like يود/ يريد
Can’t stand لا يحتمل How about ما رأيك فى
What about ما رأيك فى Don't mind لا يمانع

Ex: She has difficulty (in) breathing.
It's a waste of money buying that house.
I feel like having a cold drink.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- When the children stopped (singing-to sing-sung-sang), everyone clapped. They liked the song very much.
2- They expect thousands of people (visiting-visited-to visit-visits) Sapporo for the Snow Festival next year.
3- My brother is learning (playing-play-plays-to play) the oud.
4- If I were you, I’d avoid (travelling-to travel-travels-travel) into the city during the festival.
5- My parents suggested (go-to go-goes-going) to the theatre.
6- I really want (going-go-to go-went) to Hong Kong for the Chinese New Year.
7- Before you go to London, you should practise (speak-to speak-spoken-speaking) English.
8- Leila stopped (to listen-listening-listened-to listening) to the radio when she had heard a loud knock on the door.
9- I'll never forget (found-to find-finding-founded) that rare old coin in the garden. I was only 12 then.
10- She was doing exercise, then she stopped (listening-to listen-listened-listen) to the radio.
11- I remember (phoning-to phone-phoned-phones) my cousin in America a month ago. He told me a lot about his stay there.
12- Did you remember (posted-post-to post-posting) my letter? - Oh, I completely forgot.
13- I have always regretted (not having-not to have-have-not have) studied harder at school.
14- The band stopped (to play-playing-play-played) and there was silence.
15- She agreed (write-to write-writing-wrote) an article on classical music.
16- Henry shouldn’t risk (to drive-drive-driving-drove) so fast.
17- I hate (to sit-sitting-to sitting-sit) doing nothing – I’d rather be working.
18- Don't forget (locking-lock-locked-to lock) the door when you leave.
19- British Airways regret (to announce-announcing-to announcing-announce) the cancellation of flight BA205 to Madrid.
20- I (deny-dislike-regret-miss) leaving early yesterday. I wish I had stayed to meet you.
21- Mona promised (she comes-to come-coming-will come) and she usually keeps her promises.
22- I can't stand (to listen-listen-listening-to listening) to him.
23- He stopped (write-to write-written-writing) and put down his pen.
24- I tried (stop-to stop-stopping-stopped) him, but he had already left.
25- The thief got into the house because I forgot (closing-closed-to close-to closing) the window.
26- He regretted (leaving-to leave-left-leaves) his job as he couldn't find another one.
27- She couldn't help (to cry-cries-cry-crying) aloud the moment she saw the accident.
28- She deserved (win-winning-to win-won) the first prize.
29- Do you enjoy (listen-to listen-listening-listened) to music?
30- Walid began (to play-plays-played-playing) the guitar when the phone rang.

31- Walid began (playing-to play-plays-played) the guitar when he was six.
32- Would you mind (to lend-lends-lending-lent) me this CD.
33- Do you regret (to go-goes-going-went) to the concert?
34- I've decided (learn-to learn-learning-learned) the piano.
35- He is considering (to go-to going-of going-going) to America this year.
36- He refused (answer-to answer-answering-for answering) my questions.
37- The salesman denied (taking-to take-takes-take) money from the lady.
38- I regretted (criticize-to criticize-criticizing-to criticizing) her in public.
39- When they came to a cafeteria, they stopped (eating-to eat-to eating-to be eaten).
40- I don't fancy (watch-watched-watches-watching) that film. There is a lot of violence in it.

 Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- He hopes winning a prize for his school work.
2- I regret to go to the cinema. It wasn’t a very good film.
3- She offered taking me to the station in her car.
4- We’ve just finished to watch a TV program about Egyptian history.
5- When did you decide studying biology at university?
6- We’ve arranged picking my brother up from the airport?
7- Ali is planning to spending all weekend revising for next week’s maths test.
8- Their teacher agreed helping them finding an English pen friend.
9- I don’t mind to stay up late to help finish the work.
10- I remember switch off the lights when I went on holiday a week ago.
11- Remember switched off the lights when you go out, please.
12- He suggested staying at home and play chess.
13- We are looking forward to go out at the weekend.
14- I tried running after the dog, but I was too slow.
15- He'll never forget to spend so much money on his first computer. The one he has now is much cheaper.
16- She managed solved the problem.
17- She doesn't feel like to work on the computer.
18- Do you expect finish your work early today?
19- I don't fancy to go out this evening.
20- He admitted stolen the jewels.
21- We regretted not to go to the party last night.
22- It’s better to avoid go out in the strong midday sun.
23- The thief denied to steal the bag.
24- He agreed lending me his camera.
25- He had difficulty to solve this problem.

Test (Unit 12 & Chapter 7)

A- Language Functions

1- Respond to the following situations:
1- You would like to find out what music your friend likes. What do you say?
2- A friend asks you what sort of music you enjoy.
3- You want to find out if your friend plays a musical instrument.
4- A friend asks you whether there is any sort of music you don't like.

2- Say Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1- A: Why were you late for class this morning? Place:
B: I overslept and missed the bus. Speaker A:
A: Don’t do that again. Speaker B:

2- A: Excuse me. When will the 7:30 train arrive? Place:
B: It’s been delayed two hours. Speaker A:
A: Thanks. Speaker B:

B- Vocabulary and Structure

3- Choose the correct answer:
1- Do you want to …………… Hany’s birthday on a felluca?
a) vary b) revive c) celebrate d) join
2- Put the ball in the right ……………… to make it easy to hit.
a) fireworks b) mark c) drum d) position
3- There were marching bands and politicians in the ………………….
a) position b) procession c) landmark d) stop
4- It is your …………… to clean your room and be home on time.
a) responsibility b) distinction c) event d) folk
5- Music has …………… quite a bit since the 1950s, from Elvis to Eminem.
a) evolved b) enjoyed c) eclipsed d) solved
6- The tickets to the ……………… were sold out three days after going on sale.
a) plan b) suggestion c) offer d) event
7- Amr’s voice has a …………….. sound. You can recognise it anywhere.
a) eventful b) involved c) distinctive d) evolving
8- The Roman amphitheatre in Alexandria is a famous ……………….
a) landmark b) position c) event d) mark
9- Selim is so funny. He stopped …………… television because he said it was rotting his brain.
a) to watch b) is watching c) watching d) watch
10- Nehad regrets …………. her mother on her birthday. She should have done it.
a) not phone b) not phoning c) not phoned d) not to phone
11- Hesham likes ………….. a nap in the afternoon.
a) to take b) is taking c) took d) taken
12- The school arranged …………… a new charity this year.
a) supported b) supporter c) to support d) supporting
13- Amina admitted not ……………. how to open the door.
a) to be known b) known c) to know d) knowing
14- Hany and his sister practise …………... tennis every day after school.
a) playing b) to play c) played d) play
15- I regret ……………… you that Nabil will not be joining the team. I know you wanted him with us.
a) telling b) to tell c) have told d) am telling
16- We all noticed that she avoided ………………… at us.
a) look b) to look c) looking d) to be looked

4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- The quality of these crops variation from year to year depending on the rain.
2- The firefighters were beautiful, but the loud noise scared some of the children.
3- There is often no distinct difference between identical twins.
4- My parents have invited one of my friends stay for the weekend.
5- She has always enjoyed to go to the theatre.
6- The father refused giving his son any more money.

C- Reading

5- Read the passage then answer the questions:
The first Thanksgiving celebration was held in 1621. About 140 people attended the three-day celebration. Ninety of the people were Indian men and about 50 people were Pilgrims. Only four of the Pilgrims were women. The long terrible winter had been difficult for the Pilgrims and many of the Pilgrims died because of illness and lack of shelter or homes.
The Thanksgiving celebration was held after the Pilgrims had gathered their first crops or harvest. The feast was held outside because the Pilgrims did not have a building large enough to hold 140 people. The Pilgrims were thankful for the harvest and for the help of the Indian people in teaching them to grow crops in America. The menu for the first Thanksgiving included venison or deer meat, fowl, which included ducks, geese, and turkeys. Cornmeal, fruits and vegetables were also served. Games were played, singing and dancing were also part of the celebration. Praises were given to God for the harvest and for the Pilgrims that survived the harsh winter. Thanksgiving in America is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Families prepare a meal similar to the meal prepared by the Pilgrims and Indians many years ago.

A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- When do the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?
2- Why did so many Pilgrims die during their first year in America?
3- How many people attended the celebration of the first Thanksgiving?

B) Choose the correct answer:
4- Which of the following was on the menu at the first Thanksgiving?
a) Vegetables b) cornmeal
c) fruit d) all of these
5- Why was the first Thanksgiving held outside?
a) The weather was nice b) The buildings were too small.
c) They liked outside. d) None of these

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Sayed Drwish was one of the pioneers of Arabic music. He was born in Alexandria in1892. He was sent to school in 1899 where his music teacher, Sami Effendi, encouraged him in his love of music. At the age of eight he excelled in singing "mowashahat" (short songs) and religious poems. In 1915 he started to develop Arabic music. He settled in Cairo where his fame was widespread. As a result, stage managers competed in attracting Darwish to join them. He eventually formed his own group of actors and actresses in 1921.
Darwish was an innovator of Arabic music and songs. He had always been aware that genuine art should be derived from real life. He clearly expressed the feelings and aspirations of the people and events of his time in his songs and music. He dealt with broad and wide-ranging topics in his songs, as the national, the passionate, the social and the sarcastic. He composed 26 musicals for the stage such as "Sheherezade", "Al Barouka" and "Al Ashara AI Tayeba". He also composed about 260 songs. He believed that music depicted and expressed human feelings and aspirations and was not merely for entertainment. He excelled in the national song type of music due to his close ties with leaders of the national movement for independence, like Saad Zaghloul and Mustafa Kamel. He died in 1923 in Alexandria.

A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- When did Sayed Darwish start to produce his own music?
2- What kind of topics did Sayed Darwish deal with?
3- Why did Sayed Darwish excel in national songs?

B) Choose the correct answer:
4- The main idea of the first paragraph is that Sayed Darwish ……………… .
a) had a very good music teacher at school
b) showed musical talent at a very young age
c) was a great leader of modern Egypt
d) was a pioneer of songs and religious poems
5- Stage managers wanted Sayed Darwish to join them because………….
a) he had close ties with national leaders
b) he formed his own group of actors and actresses
c) he settled in Cairo
d) his fame was widespread

The Mask of Gold

7-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Martin Lander go to the tomb in the middle of the night?
2- What happened to Leila when she went down the cave?

B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"So you're not a mining engineer."
1- What did Leila accuse Lander of?
2- How did Lander defend himself against this accusation?

C) Complete the following sentences:
1- All artifacts should go to the museum where …………………………………………………….
2- It was difficult for the immigration department to find Lander because …………………..

D) Writing

8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
Music is the language that's understood by all people of all ages.

9- A)Translate into Arabic:
Music is the food of the spirit. It is the language of feelings. Without music, life would be dull and cheerless. It eases our nerves and renews our energies. It inspires us with courage and fills us with hope. It cures sick minds and heals troubled spirits.

B) Translate into English:
1- إن حفلات الزفاف مناسبات هامة فى كل بلد. و هناك تقاليد للزفاف تختلف باختلاف البلد.
2- الموسقى هى غذاء الروح و تستمع بها جميع الشعوب مهما اختلفت مستوياتهم و ثقافاتهم.

  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. Khlgy1431374946741

  شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. Enchanted_forest-1280x800
rabbit إبتسامة وراءها ألف دمعة rabbit
rabbit لاتحسبون ضحكاتي بينكم فرحا فالطير يرقص وهو مذبوح من الألم rabbit
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح كامل للوحدة 12 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
فراشة الأحلام :: المناهج الدراسية المرحلة الثانوية :: الصف الثالث الثانوى :: اللغة الإنجليزية ثانوية عامة-
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