فراشة الأحلام
   شرح كامل للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. بالتوفيق 3651769270

انه لشرف كبير تكرمكم وزيارتكم
لنا نتمنى ان نكون عند حسن رضائكم وان شاء الله ستجدون كل ما تصبوا له نفسكم وتتمناه
وهاهي ايدينا نمدها لكم وندعوكم للانضمام الينا لتصبحوا من افرد اسرتنا المتواضعه وتنيرونا بي مواضيعكم وردودكم النيره بكم نفيد ومنكم نستفيد
هنا في فراشة الآحلام نلتقي و الى الافق نرتقي
فراشة الأحلام
   شرح كامل للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. بالتوفيق 3651769270

انه لشرف كبير تكرمكم وزيارتكم
لنا نتمنى ان نكون عند حسن رضائكم وان شاء الله ستجدون كل ما تصبوا له نفسكم وتتمناه
وهاهي ايدينا نمدها لكم وندعوكم للانضمام الينا لتصبحوا من افرد اسرتنا المتواضعه وتنيرونا بي مواضيعكم وردودكم النيره بكم نفيد ومنكم نستفيد
هنا في فراشة الآحلام نلتقي و الى الافق نرتقي
فراشة الأحلام
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  شرح كامل للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. بالتوفيق

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
دموع الآميره عهد
نجوم المنتدى
نجوم المنتدى
دموع الآميره عهد

عدد المساهمات : 340
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/08/1972
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2014
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : أميرة مملكة الآحلام
المزاج حزين

   شرح كامل للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. بالتوفيق Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح كامل للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. بالتوفيق      شرح كامل للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. بالتوفيق 21623810السبت 16 مايو - 16:26

Unit 16: Finding work

Tape Script

Interviewer: Good morning, Mr Farag. Please sit down
Mr Farag : Thank you.
Interviewer: First of all, thank yon for sending us your CV. I see you have a degree in biology and chemistry from Alexandria University?
Mr Farag : That’s right.
Interviewer: And you're twenty-five years old. Do you have a driving licence?
Mr Farag : Yes, I do. I passed my test last year.
Interviewer: What have you been doing since you left university?
Mr Farag : I've been working as a sales assistant in my uncle s pharmacy.
Interviewer: I see, so you have 'some sales experience. I wonder if you could tell me why you're leaving your untied company.
Mr Farag : Yes, of course. I should start by saying that I have gained a lot of useful experience working for my uncle, hut I 'm quite ambitious and I 'd like to travel round in my job and visit other places.
Interviewer: Good. Does your uncle know you're trying to find another job?
Mr Farag : Yes, he does. He encourages me to look for jobs.
Interviewer: Good. And why do yon want to work for us?
Mr Farag : My uncle's told me that yours is an established company with a very good reputation in the medical profession.
Interviewer: That’s right.
Mr Farag : My uncle has sold your products for many years and has never had any problems with them.
Interviewer: And why do you think you'd be good at the job?
Mr Farag : Well, I've always been a conscientious worker and I 'in a sociable person, so I'll enjoy meeting and talking to customers. I 'm also well organised, so I'd always make sure I arrived on time for appointments.
Interviewer: Now at the moment, you're living with your parents in Nasr City. How would you feel if we asked you to work in another part of the country?
Mr Farag : That'd be no problem. If were given the job, it wouldn't matter to me where I was living and working.
Interviewer: Fine. Thank you very much for your time, Mr Farag.
We have your telephone number and e-mail address at the pharmacy. I'll contact you on Saturday morning to let you know the result of this interview.
Mr Farag: Thank you very much. Goodbye.
Interviewer: Goodbye


Home address
33 Beiram El Tonsy St, Bahary, Alexandria, Egypt
Contact Information
Phone: 102 03 4800405
E-mail: sadek.salabi@me.edu.
DOB: 17/ 05/1985
Nationality: Egyptian
2004-2008 The University of Alexandria
BA Business Studies – Grade – Very Good
Special project: Future of the Nile Delta
2001-2004 English Secondary School, Alexandria GSEC 96%
July 2009 – present Trainee accountant. City Bank, Cairo
2008 – Prize for highest grade in finance module
2004 – Special award for English language
Sports: University Football Club – Captain of first team.
Other activities: Charily work in home neighbourhood – in day-care centre for older people (two afternoons).
IT: Computing Grade 5
Experience in using Microsoft Office (Word and Excel)
Languages: Fluent in English – A little spoken Spanish and French
Sports: Football, squash, athletics
Travel: I enjoy meeting people from other countries.
I have travelled to Europe and Australia. My ambition is to visit the Far East (China and Japan).


ambitious طًمُوح module وحدة دراسية / جزء من مقرر دراسي
applicant متقدم (لوظيفة مثلا) achievement انجاز
conscientious مُجد ومجتهد / حي الضمير fluent طًلِق / فصيح (في لغة)
CV = curriculum vitae السيرة الذاتية neighbourhood منطقة سكنية / سكان المنطقة
(well) established ذات مكانة مرموقة/ معروفة skill مهارة
pharmacy صيدلية trainee متدرب
sociable اجتماعي conscience الضمير
well-organised منظم جدا day-care centre مركز لرعاية الأطفال أو الكبار

resume السيرة الذاتية basic / essential skills مهارات أساسية
sample عينة critical thinking skills مهارات التفكير النقدي
copy نسخة personal qualities صفات شخصية
obvious errors أخطاء واضحة confident واثق
a job interview مقابلة للحصول علي وظيفة caring محب
formally بشكل رسمي unselfish غير أنانى
document وثيقة / مستند natural talent موهبة طبيعية
existence وجود desirable مرغوب
store مخزن /متجر / يخزن attend يحضر
certificate شهادة representative مندوب / ممثل
employer صاحب العمل medical company شركة طبية
employee موظف pharmaceutical company شركة أدوية
hire = employ يوظف customer service خدمة العملاء
employment العمل agent وكيل
unemployment البطالة patient صبور
driving licence رخصة قيادة personnel manager مدير شئون العاملين
personal details تفاصيل شخصية latest drugs أحدث الادوية
academic qualifications مؤهلات علمية client عميل / زبون
pharmacist صيدلى health professionals العاملين في بالصحة
interviewer الشخص الذي يجري المقابلة social skills مهارات اجتماعية
spare time وقت الفراغ IT skills مهارات تكنولوجيا المعلومات
home address عنوان المنزل the medical profession مهنة الطب
contact information معلومات الاتصال mental abilities القدرات العقلية
achieve يحقق contact اتصال / يتصل بـ
modular degree درجة فى جزء من مقرر دراسي enquiries استفسارات
grade درجة / مرتبة / صف دراسي the general public عامة الجمهور
the Nile Delta دلتا نهر النيل reputation سمعة
work experience خبرة العمل reputable حسن السمعة
trainee accountant محاسب متدرب full-time job وظيفة دائمة
achievements انجازات part-time job وظيفة مؤقتة
awards جوائز temporary job عمل مؤقت
finance module وحدة مالية permanent job وظيفة دائمة
charity work عمل خيرى activity نشاط
combine يخلط / يمزج appointment موعد / تعيين
interests اهتمامات / ميول vacancy وظيفة / غرفة خالية
ambition (n) الطُموح sales experience خبرة في المبيعات
technical skills مهارات فنية conscience تأنيب
language skills مهارات اللغة practical skills مهارات عملية
hard skills مهارات مكتسبة training تدريب
personal skills مهارات شخصية job opportunities فرص عمل
Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

focus on يركز علي get into university يلتحق بالجامعة
apply for يتقدم بطلب للحصول علي on time في الوقت المحدد / بدون تأخير
be in existence يكون موجودا fluent in فصيح / بليغ فى
care about يهتم بـ win a prize for يفوز بجائزة فى
relevant to متصل بـ / ملائم لـ win an award for يفوز بجائزة فى
a long way from علي مسافة بعيدة من at the present time في الوقت الحالي
print out a copy يطبع نسخة an interview for مقابلة من أجل
get a job يحصل على وظيفة an interview with مقابلة مع شخص
have a degree in لديه شهادة فى succeed in ينجح فى
pass the test يجتاز الامتحان look after يعتنى بـ
gain experience يكتسب خبرة proud of فخور بـ
look for يبحث عن do a science degree يحصل على شهادة
work for يعمل لدى in detail بالتفصيل
work in a job يعمل في وظيفة have a contact with يكون على اتصال بـ
score excellent يحصل علي تقدير امتياز do a course in يأخذ دورة فى
deal with يتعامل مع / يتناول (موضوع) compete against يتنافس ضد
have access to يحصل على أو يصل إلي account for يبرر / يعلل
get on with ينسجم مع swap …… with يقايض / يتبادل ... مع

Antonyms كلمات و عكسها

Word الكلمة Antonym العكس
sociable اجتماعي unsociable غير اجتماعي / منطوي
well-organised منظم تنظيما جيدا poorly organised منظم تنظيما سيئا
neighbourly ودي unfriendly غير ودي
ambitious طًمُوح lazy كسول
established راسخة ومعروفة unknown غير معروف
selfish أنانى unselfish غير أنانى

Derivatives المشتقات

Verb فعل Noun اسم Adjective صفة Adverb ظرف
ambition الطموح ambitious طًمُوح
apply يتقدم بطلب applicant متقدم لوظيفة
application طلب وظيفة applied تطبيقى

مُجد ومجتهد conscientiously
باجتهاد / بجد
pharmacy صيدلية
pharmacist صيدلى pharmaceutical
Verb فعل Noun اسم Adjective صفة Adverb ظرف
society مجتمع sociable اجتماعي
neighbours الجيران
منطقة سكنية/سكان المنطقة neighbourly
ودود / مُعِين
fluency الطلاقة fluent طليق / بليغ fluently بطلاقة
achieve achievement انجاز
module وحدة دراسية modular
معيارى / قياسى
skill مهارة skilful ماهر
يدرب / يتدرب trainer مُدرِب
trainee متدرب
training التدريب trained مُدَرَب


Ambitious طًمُوح Determined to be successful or powerful
Applicant متقدم لوظيفة Someone who has formally asked for a job, a place at a college etc, especially by writing a letter.
Conscientious مُجد ومجتهد Showing a lot of care and attention
CV السيرة الذاتية A document that describes your education and the jobs that you have done, used when you are trying to get a new job.
ذات مكانة مرموقة/ معروفة Describing a company, organisation, etc, that has been in existence for a long time.
Pharmacy صيدلية A store or a part of a store where medicines are prepared and sold.
Sociable اجتماعي Friendly, liking to be with other people.
منظم تنظيما جيدا Good at organising the things you have to do.
Achievement انجاز Something important that you achieve (do)
طًلِق / فصيح (في لغة) Able to speak or write a language very well without stopping or making mistakes.
Module وحدة دراسية
جزء من مقرر دراسي One of the parts that a course of study is divided into.
منطقة سكنية A small area of a town or the people who live there.
Skill مهارة An ability to do something well, especially because you have practiced it.
Trainee متدرب Someone who is being trained for a job.

Abbreviations اختصارات

CV curriculum vitae السيرة الذاتية
DOB date of birth تاريخ الميلاد
BA bachelor of arts ليسانس أداب
Phd doctor of philosophy دكتوراه فى الفلسفة
B.Sc. bachelor of science بكالوريوس علوم
M.Sc. Master of science ماجستير فى العلوم
IT information technology تكنولوجيا المعلومات

Confusable Words

interview مقابلة شخصية (للوظيفة)/ مقابلة (إذاعية / تليفزيونية / صحفية)
appointment موعد / ميعاد conference مؤتمر
meeting اجتماع Chat دردشة
Ex: I had an interview for a job with a publishing firm.
I'd like to make an appointment with Doctor Evans, please.
He attended a conference on women's rights
I'm afraid she's in a meeting - I'll ask her to call you back later.
Why don't you give me a call and we'll have a chat?

applicant قرض) متقدم (بطلب) للحصول علي شيء (وظيفة / جنسية / تأشيرة / منحة /
candidate مرشح (لوظيفة / في الانتخابات) متقدم لامتحان ما
nominee مرشح (رسميا) لوظيفة هامة أو جائزة
Ex: Mr Ali was one of 30 applicants for the manager's job.
There are only three candidates for the job.
There are three candidates standing in the election.
Candidates must write their names on the top page of the exam paper.
He was the only nominee for the treasury.

Language Notes

apply for يتقدم بطلب (للحصول علي وظيفة / تأشيرة / جنسية / مكان في الجامعة ، الخ)
apply in person يتقدم بالطلب شخصيا apply in writing يقدم الطلب كتابةً
apply to + inf. يتقدم بطلب لكي .. apply to + noun يتقدم بالطلب إلي
apply to + noun ينطبق علي apply يُطبق
Ex: She applied for a job with the local newspaper.
She is going to apply for citizenship next month.
You should apply immediately, in person or by letter.
He has applied to join the police.
The offer only applies to flights from London and Manchester.
I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them.
Some of the children seem unable to apply what they have learned.
Language Functions

Questions often used during interviews

Questions Answers
Do you / Can you (speak English)? Yes, I (speak) can speak it very well.
Have you passed (your driving test)? Yes, I have.
Do you have (a driving licence)? Yes, I do.
What have you been doing since (you left university)? I have been working as …
Could you tell me why you want to work for us? Because I have the right qualifications for this job.
Why do you think you'd be good at the job? I'm (a sociable person, so I'll enjoy meeting and talking to customers).

 Respond to the following situations:
1- You ask your friend if he speaks English.
2- The traffic police officer asks if you have a driving licence.
3- You ask your friend if he has passed his driving test.
4- The interviewer asks you why you want to work for them.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- Mr Yacoub has a (degree-licence-grade-witness) in arts and education and chemistry from Assiut University.
2- It is important for nurses to get on with their patients, the hospital is looking for (social-lazy-sociable-unfriendly) young people to train.
3- Ali is the most (fluent-sociable-conscientious-lazy) student in the class. He works hard and cares about what he does.
4- When they are applying for a job, some people start their (B.Sc.-AD-DVD-CV) with personal details. Others put their qualifications first.
5- Our school is very (disorganised-organised-social-friendly). The staff and students are always on time and everyone knows exactly what they have to do.
6- Our family has a well-(cooked-detached-drawn-established) business. It was started by my grandfather in 1935.
7- I need some medicine. Is there a (chemistry-pharmacy-grocery-beauty shop) near here.
8- If you want them to interview you for the job, send them your (BA-CV-IT-BC).
9- You are the most well- (established-organised-behaved-dressed) person I know. You never forget anything and you are never late.
10- My uncle was always (conscientious-fluent-greedy-ambitious). He was always looking for a better job.
11- My bank is an (establishing-establishment-established-establisher) company. It has been in business for over 100 years.
12- The company received over 100 CVs from interested (applicants-employers-applications-managers).
13- My brother is more (ambitious-selfish-sociable-unreliable) than me. He gets on with everyone he meets.
14- She doubts whether she'll ever be able to fulfill her (ambition-nightmare-score-failure).
15- He is a very good man. He always does his work (conscientiously-carelessly-lazily-suddenly).
16- A (geneticist-physicist-enthusiast-pharmacist) is someone whose job is to prepare medicines in a shop or hospital
17- He was considered stubborn, selfish and (tolerant-unsociable-cooperative-punctual) as a child.
18- The campaign was poorly (deprived-furnished-organised-trained), so it did not succeed.
19- Karim is the most (careless-grateful-forgetful-skilful) player in our team. He plays so well.
20- The people in this part of town are always very (neighbouring-neighbours-neighbourly-neighbourhood), especially if someone needs help.
21- (Illiteracy-Emergency-Fluency-frequency) is perhaps the most important language skill.
22- When I go to university, I am going to do a (modular-model-module-grade) science degree.
23- Even though he has only been here for six months, he can speak English (abruptly-arrogantly-fluently-currently).
24- My father has (ignored-avoided-prevented-achieved) many things to be proud of in his life.
25- Sara is (fluency-fluently-fluent-excellent) in three languages: Arabic, English and German.
26- Most of the houses in our (neighbouring-neighbour-neighbourly-neighbourhood) are quite old.
27- My sister is a (trainee-trainer-trained-training) nurse at our local hospital. She will get her qualification next year.
28- (Daytime-Daydream-Day care-Daylight) is a centre where people who are old or ill can be looked after during the day.
29- A (module-model-capsule-molecule) is one of the parts that a course of study is divided into.
30- Ali has got another job (conference-interview-advertisement-announcement) tomorrow.
31- This (training-working-employing-hiring) provides opportunities to acquire new skills
32- The only thing he seems to care (in-with-about-at) is money.
33- My friends and I stay in (compact-contact-attract-contact) by email.
34- A (neighbouring-neighbour-neighbourly-neighbourhood) is a small area of town or the people who live there.

35- We get (on-off-away-in) with all our neighbours. Everyone is so friendly.
36- Most (candidates-cannibals-craftsmen-correspondents) who applied for the job haven’t got the right qualifications.
37- I have a degree (in-at-of-about) education from Assiut University.
38- Dalia applied for a (permanent-temporary-auxiliary-partial) job during the summer holiday.
39- My elder brother speaks French (fluent-fluently-fluency-flowingly).
40- He has the personal (qualities-qualifications-quantities-equalities) that make him suitable for the job.
41- Despite the bad weather, our plane left (on-in-at-by) time.
42- He is a (flowingly-fluently-fluency-fluent) speaker of Spanish.
43- He is the (operator-actor-representative-performer) of the foreign company in Egypt. He works as its agent.
44- Mrs Ola is a quick (efficient-sufficient-deficient-insufficient) worker.
45- The committee will deal (in-about-with-at) the matter tomorrow.
46- She's applied (at-to-for-about) a job with an insurance company.
47- You'll never get a good job if you don't have any (qualities-quantities-qualifications-enquiries).
48- Graduates who apply (on-about-for-with) this job must be fluent in English.
49- The job advertisement said that all (cannibals-craftsmen-correspondents-candidates) should have a BSC in Chemistry.
50- He has the academic (qualifications-qualities-quantities-inquiries) essential for the job.

 Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- A farm is a store or a part of a store where medicines are prepared and sold.
2- He asked for an applicant form to fill it in and send it to the company.
3- Getting into university would be my greatest achieve.
4- A train is someone who is being taught to do a particular job.
5- After the interview, she got a work as private secretary to the company director.
6- He is so ambition that he is looking forward to becoming the director of the company.
7- To get my degree, I have to complete and pass five of the six models.
8- How many jobs had you replied for before you were offered this one?
9- His previous employer describes him as honest, hard-working and conscience.
10- Tarek makes friends easily and spends his free time with people. He is social.
11- He spent three years as a train manager before getting his present position.
12- Do you have any experiment of working with kids?
13- They live in a wealthy motherhood of New York.
14- I want to work with a well organising team.
15- Groppi is a very old and well-known established.
16- I believe that Salma will achievement great things.
17- The sculpture revealed the artist’s skill hand.

18- Mother is grateful to all our neighbouring who helped us when Dad had his accident.
19- Amal attended a French school and speaks the language very well. She is fluency in French.
20- Hany’s conscientious should bother him for cheating on the exam.

 Translate into Arabic:
1- Many people like to collect things like stamps, for example. Some stamp collections are very valuable. Usually the fewer the number of people who have a stamp in their collections, the more valuable that stamp is.
2- Egypt is one of the countries, which are rich in tourist attractions. What is unique about Egypt as a tourist country is that it has attractions representing all ages. It also has attractions in a great number of its villages.
3- Education is not an end in itself but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children for the purpose of education. Our purpose is to make them fit for life.

 Translate into Arabic:
1- تلعب المدرسة دورا فعالا و مؤثرا في خلق جيل واع بتحديات المستقبل
2- تبذل الحكومة قصارى جهدها لتخفيض الأسعار التى ارتفعت مؤخرا.

Language Focus

Reported Questions

خطوات تحويل السؤال من كلام مباشر direct إلى reported كلام غير مباشر:
1- نحول فعل القول كما يلى

Direct Reported
say / say to ask
says / says to asks
said / said to asked

يمكن أن يبدأ السؤال غير المباشر بأحد التعبيرات الآتية:
I wonder – I don’t know – I’d like to know – Could you tell me
He wanted to know – I have no idea
2- نحذف الأقواس و علامة الاستفهام و نربط ب:
أ- if / whether إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بفعل مساعد أو فعل ناقص.
ب- أداة الاستفهام إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بها.
3- نغير الضمائر حسب المعنى.
4- نستخدم الفاعل ثم الفعل مع حذف الفعل المساعد do / does / did .
5- إذا كان فعل القول مضارع نغير الضمائر فقط أما إذا كان فعل القول ماضى نغير الأزمنة و الكلمات الدالة عليها و أسماء الإشارة و المكان.


Direct question Reported question
“What have you been doing since you left school?” She asked him. She asked him what he had been doing since he left school.
“Why do you want to work abroad?” She asked me. She asked me why I wanted to work abroad.
“Do your parents know you’re here?” he asked me. He asked me if / whether my parents knew I was there.
“Do you have a driving licence?” she asked her. She asked her whether / if she had a driving licence.
“Who won the match?” They want to know who won the match.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- She asked him what (had he been doing-he was doing-he had been doing-he is doing) since he left school.
2- He asked me why (I want-I wanted-do I want-did I want) to work abroad.
3- They asked me if my father (know-are knowing-have known-knew) I was there.
4- He asked me (whether-what-how many-how high) I had a driving licence.
5- They want to know who (did win-won-do win-does win) the match.
6- She asked me which university (had I been to-go I to-did I go to-I had been to).
7- She asked me whether my uncle (know-know-knew-known) I was trying to find another job.
8- He asked me why (do I want-had I wanted-did I want-I wanted) to work for their company.
9- She wanted to know how (I would feel-would I feel-do I feel-had I felt) about working in another part of the country.
10- She asked me (how-when-why-whether) I could tell her how old I was.
11- She asked me where (was I living-I were living-I was living-was I living) at that time.
12- She asked me why (applied-had I applied-I had applied-did I apply) for that job.
13- The interviewer asked Peter where (he had studied-did he study-how did he study-had he studied).
14- The asked me how long (I had been working-did I work-had I been working-was I working) in Cairo.
15- He wanted to know (what-whether-unless-weather) she was married.

 Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- He wanted to know if she enjoys swimming.
2- She asked him why he has left his last job.
3- She wanted to know unless he was planning to join university the following year.
4- He asked me whether I think I would enjoy working there.
5- She didn't know why had I borrowed the money.
Test (Unit 16 & Chapter 9)

A- Language Functions

1- Respond to the following situations:
1- An interviewer asks if you would work some evenings during the week. You would be happy to do this.
2- You want to be able to contact a person you have just met., but you do not have their details.
3- Your friend is applying for a new job. This is a surprise and you ask him the reason.
4- You want to know whether someone you are interviewing can drive.

2- Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1- A: I need some more money. Place:
B: What for? Speaker A:
A: For home expenses. Speaker B:
B: Have you spent the money I gave you? Function:
A: Yes, of course. It was not enough.

2- A: Do you have a room for three nights? Place:
B: Single or double? Speaker A:
A: Single with telephone and shower. Speaker B:
B: OK. Function

B- Vocabulary and Structure

3- Choose the correct answer:
1- Kareem’s room is always so neat with a place for everything, because he’s ……….
a) fluent b) conscientious c) sociable d) well organised
2- It’s an employment crisis when you have 6,000 ……………… for only 300 jobs.
a) skills b) concerns c) applicants d) establishments
3- The 21st century challenge for any country is to have a …………… labour force.
a) happy b) skilled c) trainee d) fluent
4- The general manager asked me to oversee the company’s new ………………..
a) skills b) fluency c) trainees d) achievements
5- Every ……………… has a stand or a shop that sells beans and falafel.
a) CV b) trainer c) module d) neighbourhood
6- Each applicant must provide an up-to-date ………………… showing their work history and education.
a) CV b) module c) pharmacy d) ambition
7- The company hired Basma because she was knowledgable, organised and ……….
a) conscientious b) applied c) soaking d) fancy
8- Nowadays teamwork is important to a company, so it helps to be ………………..
a) skillful b) fluent c) ambitious d) sociable
9- Hany was in Mansour for one week. Siham asked him what he …………… there.
a) has been doing b) had been doing c) does d) doing
10- Mrs Osama asked me if my parents …………….. where I was.
a) knows b) knew c) had known d) know
11- Hassan wondered where the keys ……………………….
a) put b) are putting c) were put d) are put
12- Mai asked me who I ………………. over the summer holiday.
a) sees b) seen c) had seen d) have seen
13- Yasser asked me why I _____ to study abroad.
a) wants b) have wanted c) wanting d) wanted
14- Rana asked if we …………. to see Hamlet at the Shakespeare Festival next week.
a) were planning b) have been planning c) plans d) have planned
15- Hany and his brother wanted to know if we ……………. squash yesterday.
a) had played b) have played c) played d) play
16- They asked their mothers if they ………… mobile phones when they were young.
a) had b) have had c) have d) had had

4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Hany’s conscientious should bother him for cheating on the exam.
2- Our local phone sells sweets and makeup as well as medicines.
3- Hesham likes to organise sociable events for the company’s employees.
4- Gamal asked if we was going to the cinema today.
5- Farid asked me which countries I visited.
6- Heba wanted to know why I wanted to visit Damascus.

C- Reading

5- Read the passage then answer the questions:
In order to make a good impression during a job interview, you need to prepare yourself for the interview. You must arrive in plenty of time for the interview, so that you give yourself a little time to relax before the interview begins. You have to look your best for the interview. Try to find out if the company has any rules about dress. Then try to dress according to their regulations. If they don’t allow their staff to come to work in casual clothes, you may ruin your chances for a job by wearing the wrong sort of clothes to the interview.
You also need to plan what you are going to say. In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking, and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about yourself, your schoolwork, your strong points, your reasons for applying for the job, and the salary you expect. You will be allowed to ask some questions of your own. The questions you ask will show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position. You can ask questions like these: What duties will I have to do in the job? Will I be allowed to join a health insurance programme? Does the company provide opportunities for further education?

You must also try to find out as much as you can about the company by talking to someone who works there, or by asking for copies of the company’s booklets, brochures or advertising.

A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- Why should one relax before an interview?
2- Mention two things that would help an interviewee to get a job.
3- How can the interviewee get knowledge about the company?

B) Choose the correct answer:
4- An interviewee should arrive ……………….. for a job interview.
a) on time b) in time c) at the time d) in no time
5- The underlined word “casual” means …………………………………. .
a) formal b) informal
c) expensive d) cheap

7- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Napoleon Bonaparte’s ambition to control all the area around the Mediterranean Sea led him and his French soldiers to Egypt. After losing a naval battle, they were forced to remain there for three years. In 1799, while constructing a fort, a soldier discovered a piece of stele known as Rosetta stone. This famous stone, which would eventually lead to the deciphering of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics dating to 3100 B.C., was written in three languages: hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek. Scientists discovered that the characters, unlike those in English, could be written from right to left and in other directions as well.
Twenty-three years after the discovery of the Rosetta stone, Jean Francois Champollion, a French philologist, fluent in several languages, was able to decipher the first word –¬ Ptolemy – name of an Egyptian ruler. This name was written inside an oval called a “cartouche.” Further investigation revealed that cartouches contained names of important people of that period. Champollion painstakingly continued his search and was able to increase his growing list of known phonetic signs. He and an Englishman, Thomas Young, worked independently of each other to unravel the deeply hidden mysteries of this strange language. Young believed that sound values could be assigned to the symbols, while Champollion insisted that the pictures represented words.

A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- How was the Rosetta stone discovered?
2- What led to the deciphering of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics?
3- When was the first word from the Rosetta stone deciphered?

B) Choose the correct answer:
4- What was the first word that was deciphered from Rosetta stone?
a) Cartouche b) Ptolemy c) demotic d) Champollion
5- Who was responsible for deciphering the first word?
a) Champollion b) Young c) Ptolemy d) Napoleon
The Mask of Gold

7-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Dr Hafez suspect Lander?
2- How was Leila lucky after the car crash?

B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
“That’s why I wanted to come with you to catch him.”
1- Who said this? To whom?
2- why did the speaker want to catch that person?

C) Complete the following sentences:
1- Pablo helped Martin Lander because

D- Writing
8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
What makes a successful job applicant?

9- A) Translate into Arabic:
Choosing the right job is important for you because you need to enjoy your work. However, you must know that employers will also choose you. They usually prefer clever and reliable persons to careless or ignorant ones.

B) Translate into English:
1- يجب أن يلتحق الطالب بالكلية التى تناسب مواهبه و قدراته.
2- يجب أن تكون لك المؤهلات العلمية و الصفات الشخصية الازمة للتقدم لهذه الوظيفة.

   شرح كامل للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. بالتوفيق Khlgy1431374946741

   شرح كامل للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. بالتوفيق Enchanted_forest-1280x800
rabbit إبتسامة وراءها ألف دمعة rabbit
rabbit لاتحسبون ضحكاتي بينكم فرحا فالطير يرقص وهو مذبوح من الألم rabbit
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح كامل للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. بالتوفيق
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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 مواضيع مماثلة
»  شرح كامل للوحدة 14 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..بالتوفيق
»  شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق
»  شرح كامل للوحدة 17 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..
»  شرح كامل للوحدة 2 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..
»  شرح كامل للوحدة 8 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
فراشة الأحلام :: المناهج الدراسية المرحلة الثانوية :: الصف الثالث الثانوى :: اللغة الإنجليزية ثانوية عامة-
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