فراشة الأحلام
    شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق 3651769270

انه لشرف كبير تكرمكم وزيارتكم
لنا نتمنى ان نكون عند حسن رضائكم وان شاء الله ستجدون كل ما تصبوا له نفسكم وتتمناه
وهاهي ايدينا نمدها لكم وندعوكم للانضمام الينا لتصبحوا من افرد اسرتنا المتواضعه وتنيرونا بي مواضيعكم وردودكم النيره بكم نفيد ومنكم نستفيد
هنا في فراشة الآحلام نلتقي و الى الافق نرتقي
فراشة الأحلام
    شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق 3651769270

انه لشرف كبير تكرمكم وزيارتكم
لنا نتمنى ان نكون عند حسن رضائكم وان شاء الله ستجدون كل ما تصبوا له نفسكم وتتمناه
وهاهي ايدينا نمدها لكم وندعوكم للانضمام الينا لتصبحوا من افرد اسرتنا المتواضعه وتنيرونا بي مواضيعكم وردودكم النيره بكم نفيد ومنكم نستفيد
هنا في فراشة الآحلام نلتقي و الى الافق نرتقي
فراشة الأحلام
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
دموع الآميره عهد
نجوم المنتدى
نجوم المنتدى
دموع الآميره عهد

عدد المساهمات : 340
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/08/1972
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2014
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : أميرة مملكة الآحلام
المزاج حزين

    شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق       شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق 21623810السبت 16 مايو - 16:17

Unit 15: The future of books

Tape Script

Mahdi: Hi. Kasim.
Kasim: Hi. Mahdi.
Mahdi: What’s that book you're reading?
Kasim: It's a Graham Greene novel.
Mahdi: I wonder if you can get it as an e-book.
Kasim: What are e-books?
Mahdi: They 're electronic books-I saw a TV programme about them a few days ago now
I'm really enthusiastic about the idea.
Kasim: How do you read them?
Mahdi: Well, you download them from the internet onto an e-book reader, which is a small computer about the same size as the paperback book you 're reading. It has a screen like the page of a book. So you read the book on the screen and turn the pages by pressing buttons or by touching the screen.
Kasim: But surely you can't download everything van might want to read?
Mahdi: Not yet, no. But in the future, every new book will probably be published as an ordinary book and as an e-book
Kasim: That sounds amazing, but if you have to pay for the reader and the download. That must be expensive.
Mahdi: At the moment it is, but you can be sure they’ll reduce the price when more people buy them. New gadgets are always expensive when only a few people are buying them.
Kasim: Do you think they'll ever replace traditional books completely?
Mahdi: No. I shouldn’t think so But when more books are available online. I think most bestsellers will be read as e-books On the other hand, I'm sure some kinds of books won’t be replaced: school books for example
Kasim: Or any books that ore large or where pictures are important.
Mahdi: E-books will be good for the environment, too.
Kasim: Will they?
Mahdi: Yes, think of all the paper that we 'II save. By the year 2100 millions of trees and hundreds of forests will have been saved.
Kasim: It's a great idea.
Mahdi: Well, if yon want an e-book reader, you'd better start saving now!
Kasim: I will

Reading: The history of books

 In Ancient Egypt, a type of tall grass called papyrus, which grew in the Nile valley, was used for writing and drawing on. Before it could be used, the leaves of the grass were soaked in water; pressed together and then dried in the sun. The first real paper was
made by the Chinese two thousand years ago. In the eighth century, Arab travellers who traded with China learned how to make it, too. At first, paper was very expensive because it was made from cotton, but later it was produced from wood and so became much cheaper.
 To make paper from wood, logs are broken into small pieces which are then mixed with chemicals and bleached. Water is removed from the mixture, which then passes through hot rollers to produce continuous pieces of dry paper.
 Every year, millions of trees are cut down to make new paper Fortunately, the type of tree that gives us the best wood for making paper grows very quickly, but old paper can also be recycled. Most of today’s newspapers and magazines are made from recycled paper.
 For hundreds of years, an enormous quantity of paper has been used to produce books. Especially very large books like encyclopaedias. Now. Encyclopaedias and other books can be put on to CD-ROMs: special computer disks which can hold huge amounts of information. Sound and pictures can also be put on CD-ROMs.
 Many people think that soon everybody will have a computer and we will get all our information from the internet or from CD-ROMs. They believe that public libraries will no longer-be needed and that printing will become part of history

Key Vocabulary

available متاح / متوافر encyclopedia موسوعة / دائرة معارف
download يقوم بتحميل (برامج أو ملفات) من الانترنت mixture خليط / مزيج
enthusiastic about متحمس بشأن press (v) يضغط / يكوي (الملابس)
gadget جهاز صغير recycle (v) يُعيد استخدام
paperback (book) (كتاب) ذو غلاف ورقي roller بكرة / اسطوانة (تستخدم في ضغط الأشياء)
screen شاشة soak (v) ينقع أو يغمر في سائل
bleach (v) يُبُيض / يجعل لونه أبيض roll يدور / يلف / يسوي


traditional books الكتب التقليدية theatre tickets تذاكر المسرح
an electronic book كتاب الكتروني enormous quantity كمية هائلة
e-book reader جهاز لقراءة الكتب reduce the price يقلل السعر
up-to-date أحدث available online متوافر علي الانترنت
paper cover غلاف الكتاب الورقى about the same size as تقريبا في نفس حجم
button زرار tourist places أماكن سياحية
replace يحل محل pressing buttons الضغط علي الأزرار
bestsellers الكتب الأفضل بيعا أو رواجا adapt يُعدل / يتأقلم
website موقع علي الانترنت entertainment تسلية
digital رقمي announce يعلن
a range of books مجموعة متنوعة من الكتب road accidents حوادث الطرق
partly جزئيا steadily بثبات
CD ROM اسطوانة originally أساسا
compact disk قرص مضغوط enjoyment متعة
papyrus ورق البردي suppose يفترض
The Nile Valley وادى النيل latest technology أحث التكنولوجيا
logs قطع من الخشب publishers الناشرون
log/logged يقطع (الأشجار) public libraries المكتبات العامة
chemicals مواد كيميائية smooth ناعم / أملس / مصقول
download files يقوم بتحميل ملفات handle يتعامل مع (شخص) / يعالج (موضوعا)
collection مجموعة internet website موقع انترنت
store يخزن household gadgets أجهزة منزلية
still pictures صور ثابتة invention اختراع
moving pictures صور متحركة educate يعلم
stationery الأدوات الكتابية remove يزيل
become part of history يصبح جزءا من التاريخ printing الطباعة
wrapping paper ورق لف / تغليف e-mail بريد الكتروني
leaflets منشورات / نشرة مطبوعة upload يقوم برفع شيء علي الانترنت
brochure كتيب به صور أو معلومات عن مُنتج press conference مؤتمر صحفي
poster اعلان (يلصق على الجدران) local press الصحافة المحلية
adverts إعلانات foreign press الصحافة الأجنبية
menu قائمة الطعام recycled materials مواد يُعاد استخدامها
efficient كفء appearance مظهر

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

find … on the internet يجد ... علي الانترنت go wrong يتعطل
make way for يُخلي المكان أو الطريق لـ cut road accidents يقلل حوادث الطرق
good for مفيد لـ make paper يصنع الورق
be replaced by يتم استبداله بـ cylinder-shaped على شكل اسطوانة
replace … with يستبدل ... بـ draw on paper يرسم علي الورق
enthusiastic about متحمس بشأن roll up يطوي
turn the pages يقلب الصفحات be produced from يتم إنتاجه من
on the other hand من ناحية أخري break into small pieces يكسر إلي قطع صغيرة
the price goes down يقل السعر mixed with chemicals مخلوط بمواد كيميائية
cut down trees يقطع الأشجار hold huge amounts of تحمل كميات هائلة
cut down prices يقلل الأسعار take up a lot of space تشغل حيزا كبيرا
for environmental reasons لأسباب بيئية go on يستمر فى
complain to يشكو الى keep up with يواكب / يساير
knock down يهدم go online يستخدم الانترنت
on the move كثير التنقل access to مدخل لـ
pay for يدفع ثمن show up يظهر
make predictions يتنبأ بـ rely on يعتمد على
look clean يبدو نظيفا show interest يظهر اهتماما
Antonyms كلمات و عكسها

Word الكلمة Antonym العكس
available متاح unavailable غير متاح
up-to-date حديث out-of-date بطل استعماله / قديم
enthusiastic متحمس apathetic غير مهتم
paperback ذو غلاف ورقي hardback/hardcover ذو غلاف مُقَوي
knock down يهدم construct يشيد / يبنى
ready مستعد / راغب reluctant / unwilling ممانع / غير راغب
fortunately لحسن الحظ Fortunately لسوء الحظ
light colour لون فاتح dark colour لون داكن
efficient كفء inefficient غير كفء

Derivatives المشتقات

Verb فعل Noun اسم Adjective صفة
enthuse يتحمس enthusiast شخص متحمس
enthusiasm الحماسة enthusiastic متحمس
available متوافر availability توافر
mix يخلط / يمزج mixture خليط / مزيج mixed مختلط
press يضغط press ضغطة (عادة مفرد) pressed مضغوط
recycle يعيد استخدام recycling إعادة الاستخدام recyclable يمكن إعادة استخدامه
roll يدور / يسوي roller بكرة أو اسطوانة
bleach يُبيض bleach المادة الكيميائية
المستخدمة في التبييض


Available متاح if something is available , you can get it , buy it or use it
Download يحمل ملفات to move information from one part of a computer system to another
Enthusiastic متحمس showing a lot of interest and excitement about something
Gadget جهاز صغير a small tool or machine that helps you do something
(كتاب) ذو غلاف ورقي a book with a soft paper cover.
Screen شاشة the flat, glass part of a TV or a computer.
يُبُيض / يجعل لونه أبيض to make something white or lighter in colour by using chemicals or sunlight.
Encyclopedia دائرة معارف a book that contains facts about many subjects.
Mixture خليط / مزيج something that is made by mixing two or more different substances together.
Press يضغط to push something firmly and steadily .

Recycle يعيد استخدام to put used objects or materials through a process so that they can be used again.
Roller بكرة أو اسطوانة a cylinder –shaped piece of wood , metal etc that can be rolled over and over
Soak ينقع / يغمر في سائل to cover something with liquid for a period of time.

Confusable Words

trade in يتاجر فى (سلعة) trade with يتاجر مع (أشخاص أو دول)
Ex: The company has been trading in oil for many years.
For centuries, Native Americans traded with European settlers.

made of
مصنوع من (مادة لا يتغير شكلها بعد التصنيع) made from
مصنوع من (مادة يتغير شكلها بعد التصنيع)
Ex: She bought a bag made of leather.
Bread is made from flour.

paper (writing material) ورق (للكتابة) papers (newspapers) صحف
a paper (a newspaper) صحيفة papers (documents) وثائق / مستندات
Ex: Dictionaries are usually printed on thin paper.
Al Ahram is a daily paper
The photo was on the front page of all the papers.
The border guards stopped me and asked to see my papers.

Language Notes

be used for + v. + ing يستخدم فى be used to + مصدر يستخدم لـ
Ex Wood is used for making furniture.
Wood is used to make furniture.

make + مفعول + مصدر / صفة يجعل
Ex The terrible accident made her cry.
Her success made her family happy.

show يبين / knowيعرف + how to + مصدر
learn يتعلم / teach يعلم + how to + مصدر / to + مصدر
Ex Can you show me how to set the video recorder?
Do you know how to print on this computer?
I'm learning (how) to play the piano.
Mother taught me (how) to cook.

ever تستخدم فى الأسئلة
Ex Do you think e-books will ever replace traditional books completely?

had better + مصدر = should يجب أن (تستخدم للنصيحة)
would rather + مصدر يفضل (تستخدم للتفضيل)
Ex You'd better go home now before the rain starts.
He'd rather die than let me think he needed help.

Language Functions

Talking about the future

Questions Answers
Do you think we will (have libraries in the future)? Yes, I'm sure we will.
What do you think will happen (to the internet) in the future? It will (definitely) become more popular.
Do you think that (man will live on other planets one day)? I don't think that will happen in the near future.

 Respond to the following situations:
1- You ask a friend if he thinks people will read books in a hundred years time.
2- In a conversation, a friend uses the word CD-ROMs. You do not understand the word.
3- A friend asks if you think we’ll still have libraries in the future.
4- You ask a friend what he thinks will happen when everyone has a computer.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- My mother has a special (budget-badge-gadget-bondage) for cutting vegetables.
2- Ali is really (enthusiastic-criminal-soaking-faulty) about his university course. He can't wait for the beginning of the term.
3- I'm going to (write-download-promise-admit) some information from the internet for my school project.
4- The television picture is really clear. You have an enormous (wire-scream-screen-stream).
5- This novel is not (reliable-capable-avoidable-available) as an e-book yet, but you'll be able to get it next year.
6- The best thing about a (paperback-paperboy-paperclip-paper shop) is that you can easily carry it and read it at any time.
7- My father is a golf (enthusiasm-enthusiast-enthusiastic-enthuse). He plays and watches it on TV whenever he can.
8- Her brother has not shown any (enthusiasm-enthusiast-enthusiastic-enthuse)for any sport of any kind.
9- That play is very popular. You'd better check the (ability-availability-advisability-ambiguity) of tickets.
10- I wanted to complain to the manager of the shop, but he was (available-unavailable-unavoidable-unbelievable).

11- (Encyclopaedias-CD ROMs-Biographies-Screens) can hold a lot of information and are small enough to carry in your pocket.
12- Before you can cook these beans, you have to (bleach-roll-sink-soak) them for 3 hours.
13- The story is an interesting (paste-mixer-structure-mixture) of fact and fiction.
14- You can (press-bleach-fix-mix) white shirts to keep them looking clean.
15- Today, paper, plastic and glass can all be (recycled-replaced-recited-retarded).
16- Oil and water don't (fix-soak-drink-mix). Even if you shake them together, they separate into two layers.
17- In ancient Egypt (paper-papyrus-leather-bush) was used for writing and drawing.
18- Papyrus is (soaked-dried-evaporated-expanded) in water to make the reeds stick together.
19- Paper was very (cheap-priceless-expensive-valueless) because it was made from cotton or linen.
20- Arab travellers traded (from-in-at-with) the Chinese.
21- Most of our newspapers and magazines are made from (recycle-recycled-recycling-cycled) paper.
22- Encyclopaedias take (up-on-in-down) quite a lot of space.
23- Arab travelers learned (what-how-which-who) to make paper from the Chinese.
24- When paper was made (of-from-in-at) wood, it became much cheaper.
25- (An encyclopaedia-A diary-A biography-An autobiography) is a set of books which deals with every branch of human knowledge.
26- CD-ROMS are computer (disks-circles-files-documents) which can store a mass of information.
27- It was raining heavily and my clothes were completely (sucked-dried-soaked-expanded).
28- We can benefit from old newspaper by (recycling-making-using-cleaning).
29- Wood is used (to-for-with-from) making paper.
30- The vase (pulled-rolled-pushed-walked) off the edge of the table and smashed.
31- A/An (CD-ROM-encyclopedia-screen-gadget) is a disc on which large quantities of information can be stored.
32- A/An (process-mixture-operation-development) is something made by mixing two or more things together.
33- To (repeat-retreat-renovate-recycle) is to put used objects through a process so that they can be used again.
34- A (roller-ruler-boiler-beaker) is a round piece of wood or metal that can be rolled.
35- To (stick-shrink-soak-remove) means to cover something with liquid for a period of time.
36- You can get this novel as an (e-book / e-mail / e-learning / e-commerce) from the bookshop over there.
37- We really can't go (up-down-on-for) living like this - we'll have to find a bigger house.
38- I'm going to (download-upload-load-afford) some software from this website.
39- When you are reading an e-book, you can (burn-wrap-soak-turn) the pages by pressing buttons or by touching the screen.
40- (Recycling-Receiving-Reappearing-Recording) is definitely good for the environment.
41- When more and more people buy something, the price (goes up-goes down-goes away-goes out).
42- Papyrus was used for (shrinking-writing-counting-calculating) and drawing on.
43- The first paper was (done-gone-made-looked) by the Chinese two thousand years ago.
44- Every year, millions of trees are cut (in-of-with-down) to make new paper.
45- CD-ROMs can (hold-catch-touch-fetch) huge amounts of information.
46- Do you think e-books will (never-ever-yet-hard) replace traditional books?
47- Arab travellers who traded (in-with-by-from) China learned how to make paper.
48- We're going to be on the (move-movement-mobile-moving) all next week, but we'll call you when we get to Cairo.
49- The success of this project relies (with-about-of-on) everyone making an effort.
50- I’d rather (has-have-having-have had) a hot drink.

    شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق Khlgy1431374946741

    شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق Enchanted_forest-1280x800
rabbit إبتسامة وراءها ألف دمعة rabbit
rabbit لاتحسبون ضحكاتي بينكم فرحا فالطير يرقص وهو مذبوح من الألم rabbit
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
دموع الآميره عهد
نجوم المنتدى
نجوم المنتدى
دموع الآميره عهد

عدد المساهمات : 340
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/08/1972
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2014
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : أميرة مملكة الآحلام
المزاج حزين

    شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق       شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق 21623810السبت 16 مايو - 16:18

 Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Most of today's newspapers and magazines are made from recycling paper.
2- In the near future, we will get all our information from the interrupt.
3- Some people predict that printing will become part of previous in the future.
4- The Arabs learnt how to do paper from the Chinese.
5- Some people believe that CD-ROMs will place libraries.
6- To get coffee, put your money in the machine and dress the green button.
7- My cousin is a football enthusiastic. He never misses a match.
8- Mona pressures all her blouses before she wears them.
9- Mother is leaving the pan to sink before she washes it.
10- I don’t know what to do with these old batteries. Are they recycling?
11- You’ll have to ask about the available of the conference room.
12- For my pottery, I have a mix of water, clay, and a little dried grass.
13- Tariq preaches his white shirts so the collars don’t look grey.
14- Fady is ruling the paint onto the wall so he can finish more quickly.
15- Please don’t touch the computer. I am overloading some music for my mp3 player.

 Translate into Arabic:
1- Our lives have been taken over by electronic devices. Electronic gadgets are everywhere, and we are completely dependent on them. Gone are the days in which we had volumes of encyclopedias and paperbacks on our shelves.
2- A computer has the power to calculate at superhuman speed and so it can quickly solve problems that would take any human mathematician years of work. It has a memory that is far more reliable than a human memory.

 Translate into English:
1- كان إلزاما على مصر أن تدعو لمؤتمر عالمي يهدف إلى الاستقرار في عملية السلام و مكافحة الإرهاب.
2- لا تنقطع محاولات العلماء الرامية لاستغلال قوة الإنترنت فى تشكيل حاسبات عملاقة بتكلفة رخيصة.
Language Focus

The future simple passive
المستقبل البسيط فى صيغة المبنى للمجهول

 يتكون المستقبل البسيط فى صيغة المبنى للمعلوم من will / shall + inf.
- In the coming years, we will do most of our shopping on the internet.

 يتم تحويل المستقبل البسيط الى مبنى للمجهول كما يلى:

مفعول + will / shall + be + pp + by + فاعل
- In the coming years, most of our shopping will be done on the internet.

 يستخدم المستقبل البسيط فى صيغة المبنى للمجهول:
1. للوعد بأعمال مستقبلية بطريقة رسمية.
- The parcel will be collected tomorrow.
2. لتقديم تفاصيل الخطط.
- You will be met at the airport.
3. للتحذير من خطر أو شئ ممكن فى المستقبل أو نتائج مستقبلية.
- Look out! You’ll get hurt.
4. لعمل استنتاجات منطقية.
- I’m sure my car will be repaired by now.
5. للتنبؤ بحدث فى المستقبل.
- In the future most of our energy will be produced from wind power.

Future Perfect Passive
المستقبل التام فى صيغة المبنى للمجهول

 يتكون المستقبل التام من will / shall have + PP.
- By 2100, we will have built more towns and cities.

 ويدل علي أن شيء سيكون قد تم قبل وقت معين في الماضي ويستخدم هذا الزمن عادة مع الكلمات الدالة علي المستقبل مسبوقة بكلمة by
By (the year) 2100 / By tomorrow morning / By next October / By next Monday / By tomorrow evening / By next year / By this time next week / By 6 o'clock tomorrow / By next Christmas
- By 2050, electric cars will have replaced petrol cars.
 لا حظ ما يلى
By the time + present simple Future Perfect
- By the time she comes back home, I'll have finished all the exercises.
- By the time the exam begins, I'll have forgotten everything.

 يتم تحويل المستقبل البسيط الى مبنى للمجهول كما يلى:

مفعول + will / shall + have been + pp + by + فاعل

- By the year 2100, millions of trees and hundreds of forests will have been saved.
- By 2050, the old building will have been replaced by modern offices.
 Choose the correct answer:
1- In the coming years, travel (will make-will be made-will be making-is making) faster.
2- In the future our holidays (will spend-will be spent-is spent-will be spending) on the moon.
3- We (spend-will be spent-can be spent-will spend) our free time in a good way next summer holiday.
4- In the future, computers (will replace-will be replaced-will be replacing-will have been replaced) books.
5- In the future shopping (will be done-will do-have been done-were done) on the internet.
6- In the future most of our work (will be doing-has been done-will be-will be done) by machines.
7- I predict that in the future, mobile phones (will make-will be making -will have made-will be made) smaller.
8- By this time next week, (I'll have heard-I hear-I am hearing-I heard) my test results.
9- We (will be used-are using-are used-will use) less paper if we read e-books.
10- I don't think newspapers will ever (have replaced-replace-be replaced-replaced).
11- The new underground railway line (will have been built-will be building-has built-have built) by 2012.
12- I'm sorry but your car (won't repair-can't repair-repaired-won't be repaired) this week.
13- By next Christmas we (will be-are being-will have been-have been) here for eight years.
14- The builders say they (finish-will have finished-might finish-are finishing) the roof by Tuesday.
15- By the time we (got-had got-get-getting) to the party. Most people will have left.
16- By the time we get to the stadium. The match (will have started-is starting-was starting-had started).
17- In the future, every new book will probably be (publish-publishing-published-publishes) as an e-book.
18- You can be sure the price (will be reduced-to reduce-is reducing-had reduced) when more people buy them.
19- Do you think CD-ROMs will ever (be replaced-be replacing-have replaced-replace) traditional books completely?
20- I think most bestsellers (will be read-will be reading-will read-will have read) as e-books.
21- I'm sure some kinds of books (won't replace-won't be replacing-won't be replaced-can replace).
22- It is hoped that the road (is reducing-will reduce-will be reduced-will have been reduced) early morning traffic.
23- The new road (won't be finished-won't have finished-won't be finishing-has finished) until the year 2015.
24- Over 500 buildings (will knock-will be knocking-will be knocked-will have knocked) down to make way for the new road.
25- It is said that the number of road accidents (cut-cuts-will cut-will be cut) by 20%.
26- It is thought that between 30 and 40 lives a year (will be saved-will be saving-will have saved-will save).

 Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Operations will perform with the help of robots.
2- All forms of transport will be used energy cell batteries.
3- all our banking will be do on mobile phones.
4- In the future computers will be done the accounts.
5- Credit cards will use instead of cash.
6- Credit cards will be using in homes and industry.
7- In the future, more electricity will generate from wind power.
8- More of the music we listen to will be downloading from the internet.
9- They will be published fewer traditional newspapers.
10- The price of phone calls will be reducing by 50%.
11- I finish this job by 10 p.m. tomorrow
12- By the time the firemen arrive, the fire destroys the building.
13- More cities will build in the desert by the year 2020.
14- You'll be received an e-mail giving full details next Monday.
15- The building will complete by next year.
16- By tomorrow morning, the book will has been bought by 30,000 people.
17- The game will delayed if it rains this evening.
18- Over the next twenty years, 4 million Go-Go Pops will have been sold.
19- For hundreds of years, an enormous quantity of paper have been used to produce books.
20- By next year, the old museum will has been replaced by a new one.

Test (Unit 15 & Chapter 9)

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- A friend asks you if you think people will read books in a hundred years time.
2- In a conversation, a friend uses the word gadgets. You do not understand the word.
3- A friend asks if you think people will have their own spaceships in fifty years.
4- A friend uses the words travel and journey in the same sentence. You do not understand the different meanings of these two words.

2- Mention the place , the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1- A: What's wrong with you? Place:
B: My left eye hurts me. Speaker A:
A: Let me examine you. Speaker B:

2-A: Can I help you? Place:
B: Yes, I’d like a cup of coffee. Speaker A:
A: With or without sugar? Speaker B:
B: With a little sugar. Function:

B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer:
1- With Mariam’s new e-book reader, she can now _____ books.
a) download b) write c) promise d) admit
2- If you like to shop online, this website has many new and used books ……………
a) found b)authored c) available d) written
3- …………… contain a lot of information about many things.
a) newspapers b) encyclopedias c) dictionaries d) thesauruses
4- We try to …………… paper, plastic and batteries to help our environment.
a) include b) mix c) reserve d) recycle
5- To paint a large area of the wall quickly, try using a paint ………………..
a) brush b) roller c) instrument d) utensil
6- Yasmine was so fluent that the words just ……………… off her tongue.
a) missed b) mixed c) stuck d) rolled
7- We usually …………… beans overnight to soften before we cook them.
a) mix b) soak c) recycle d) rolled
8- Kareem is an …………… reader. He reads all the time.
a) enthusiastic b) soaking c) faulty d) criminal
9- Environmentalists hope that in the next ten years more electricity ……………….. by alternative energies.
a) will be produced b) has been produced
c) produced d) is being produced

10- Scientists say that by 2020, the glaciers in Montana ………………..
a) are melting b) will have melted c) melt d) have melted
11- By the time your children are in university, will physical books …………… by e-books?
a) have replacing b) have replaced c) replaced d) have been replaced
12- By 2100, many of our jobs ……………….. over by robots.
a) will be taken b) will have taken
c) have been taken d) will have been taken
13- It’s nine o’clock now. By two o’clock three meetings ……………… in our company.
a) will be holding b) will have held c) held d) will have been held
14- Many people hope that petrol ……………….. so much in the future.
a) will not have been used b) has not been used
c) will not be used d) is not used
15- Scientists are concerned whether enough food …… in the future for so many people.
a) will be produced b) is produced
c) will have produced d) was produced
16- Marwa entered university in 2010. By 2014, she ……………… her studies.
a) has completed b) will have completed c) did complete d) completed

4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Rehan has a lot of paperpacks as well as hardbacks in her library at home.
1- Tariq pleaches his white shirts so the collars don’t look grey.
2- For my pottery, I have a mix of water, clay, and a little dried grass.
3- By the time Dad gets home, the children will have being fed.
4- All the police cars will have been wash by noon today.
5- By 2016, the bridge will has been completed.

C- Reading

5- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Our mothers had always warned us about the forest and had never allowed us to go there. We were delighted when they finally gave us the permission to play in the forest.
Immediately my cousins and I went to the forest. As soon as we reached the forest, we realised how big it was. As expected, the forest was very dark.
My cousins blindfolded me. Then they went to hide. It was black and I could not see at all. So I walked around with my hands stretched out to feel my way. Suddenly, I bumped into something very hard. At first, I thought it was my cousin. I took off the blindfold, and I was shocked. I had walked into a beehive! I screamed loudly so that everyone could hear me and ran away as fast as I could. The bees followed me and attacked me. I was being stung everywhere!
Fortunately, I found a lake and jumped into it. After some time, the bees flew away and I got out of the lake. My cousins laughed at me because I was all wet.

A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- Why were the writer and his cousins delighted?
2- Why did the writer stretch out his hands as he walked around?
3- Find words in the passage which mean:
a) cover someone's eyes with cloth b) at once

B) Choose the correct answer:
4-The writer removed the blindfold when he ……………………….
a) was stung by the bees b) heard strange sounds
c) felt delighted d) bumped into something very hard
5-The underlined word "they" refers to ……………………………..
a) cousins b) forests c) mothers d) bees

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
A tuk-tuk is a type of taxi with three wheels. The driver sits at the front and behind him is a seat for three passengers. Sometimes four passengers can fit into the tuk-tuk, but it is very uncomfortable! They are called tuk-tuks because of the funny sounds of their small engines. There are thousands of tuk-tuks in Bangkok, Thailand.
One tuk-tuk driver is Pom Sanniwat. Pom is 52 years old and has been driving his tuk-tuk for almost 25 years. Like many tuk-tuk drivers, Pom comes from the north of Thailand. Pom's village was very poor. There was no work on the farms, so Pom came to Bangkok. He decided to become a tuk-tuk driver because it looked like fun.
Pom likes being a tuk-tuk driver because he can speak to many people every day. He can also earn over $400 a month. Almost anyone can become a tuk-tuk driver. Tuk-tuks are very easy to drive. But driving a tuk-tuk has its disadvantages, too. When Pom started driving his tuk-tuk, he often got lost. Pom also has a long day. He works from 6 o'clock in the morning until 9 at night. There are many cars and buses in Bangkok, so there is a lot of pollution. The pollution is bad for Pom's health.

A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1-Why does Pom like his job as a tuk-tuk driver?
2-Why is driving a tuk-tuk bad for Pom's health?
3-What do you think of the tuk-tuk as a means of transportation? Why?

B) Choose the correct answer:
4- ………………… passengers can sit comfortably in a tuk-tuk.
a) Three b) Four c) Five d) Six
5-Tuk-tuks are …………………… in Bangkok, Thailand.
a) rare b) uncommon c) available d) banned

The Mask of Gold

7-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Pablo work with Lander?
2- How did Martin deceive Amalia’s father?

B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
“Let's set a trap.”
1- For whom are they going to set a trap?
2- Describe the plan for this trap.

C) Complete the following sentences:
1- If the gold mask was lost or stolen, the project ……………………………………………….
2- Amalia was as brave and tough as …………………………………………………………………

    شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق Khlgy1431374946741

    شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق Enchanted_forest-1280x800
rabbit إبتسامة وراءها ألف دمعة rabbit
rabbit لاتحسبون ضحكاتي بينكم فرحا فالطير يرقص وهو مذبوح من الألم rabbit
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
دموع الآميره عهد
نجوم المنتدى
نجوم المنتدى
دموع الآميره عهد

عدد المساهمات : 340
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/08/1972
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/12/2014
العمل/الترفيه العمل/الترفيه : أميرة مملكة الآحلام
المزاج حزين

    شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق       شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق 21623810السبت 16 مايو - 16:19

D- Writing

8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
"What should be done for children's welfare?"

9- A) Translate into Arabic:
Egypt aims at attracting Arab and foreign capital for investment. So, the Egyptian government should encourage setting up new factories for modern industries. It should also develop the existing ones.

B) Translate into English:
1- من حقك أن تعبر عن رأيك بحرية ولكن يجب أن تحترم الآخرين.
2- نقص الغذاء يهدد حياة الملايين من البشر في كل أنحاء العالم..

    شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق Khlgy1431374946741

    شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق Enchanted_forest-1280x800
rabbit إبتسامة وراءها ألف دمعة rabbit
rabbit لاتحسبون ضحكاتي بينكم فرحا فالطير يرقص وهو مذبوح من الألم rabbit
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح كامل للوحدة 15 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية..بالتوفيق
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
»  شرح كامل للوحدة 14 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..بالتوفيق
»  شرح كامل للوحدة 16 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية.. بالتوفيق
»  شرح كامل للوحدة 2 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..
»  شرح كامل للوحدة 8 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..
»  شرح كامل للوحدة 9 لغة انجليزية الثالث الثانوى المرحلة الثانية ..

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
فراشة الأحلام :: المناهج الدراسية المرحلة الثانوية :: الصف الثالث الثانوى :: اللغة الإنجليزية ثانوية عامة-
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